“I have dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind. And this is one: I’m going to tell it – but take care not to smile at any part of it.” (Emily Bronte)
Hello, WOrld!
I always dreamed that one day I will have the possibility to be a time traveler. And I’m sure that someday this dream will became real. Probably, influenced by the terrible weather outside, I imagined this morning how it could be to wake up one day in the XIXth Century, somewhere in England, close to Wuthering Heights. To see with my own eyes the adventures of Catherine and Heathcliff, the tragic charachters of the famous novel writen by Emily Bronte. I love this cruel story, as much as I loved the classic movie from 1939, with Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier, that was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars.
„All we need for time travel, is a space ship that will go faster than light. Unfortunately, in the same paper, Einstein showed that the rocket power needed to accelerate a space ship, got greater and greater, the nearer it got to the speed of light. So it would take an infinite amount of power, to accelerate past the speed of light”.(Stephen Hawking).
Unfortunately, it seems that the time travelers have to wait a little. It won’t be that easy to create such an enormous Time Machine. #menothappy
OK, Stephen, you are a genius. But somehow I managed to find a solution to travel in time.
I can make this Winter shorter, for example. Look:
There are 34 days till Spring.
But those includes 4,5 Weekends, so we have, in fact, only 25 working days till then. We sleep 8 hours everyday, so we can substract another 200 hours from the total of 600 hours that lasts from this terrible winter. And of course, we are in the office for 8 hours everyday. Anoter 200 hours in minus.
In the end, there are only 8 days till Spring! Yeeey!
I told you that I am a time traveler.
Enjoy your last week of Winter! #smile
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Zara coat, trousers, cardigan and socks, Massimo Dutti shirt, Andra Andreescu leather bowtie, Patzaikin sunglasses, Scotch&Soda gloves, Stone Creek boots.
„În viata mea am visat vise pe care nu le-am uitat niciodatã, vise care m-au fãcut sã-mi schimb felul de a gândi. Ele mi-au pãtruns întreaga fiintã, asa cum vinul pãtrunde apa, si au schimbat înclinãrile mintii mele. Si am sa va spun unul dintre ele, insa aveti grija sa nu zambiti, nici macar o secunda”. (Emily Bronte)
HellO, WOrld!
Am visat intotdeauna la ziua in care voi putea sa calatoresc in timp. Si sunt sigur ca asta se va intampla la un moment dat. De aceea, probabil infuentat de vremea ingrozitoare de afara, in dimineata asta mi-am imaginat cum ar fi sa ma fi trezit undeva in Anglia secolului al XIX-lea, in apropiere de „Wuthering Heights”. Sa urmaresc cu ochii mei aventurile lui Heathcliff si ale lui Catherine, personajele tragice din romanul „La Rascruce de Vanturi”, de Emily Bronte. Imi place enorm povestea lor, atat de trista, la fel de mult cum imi place si ecranizarea clasica a cartii, realizata in 1939, cu Merle Oberon si Laurence Olivier in rolurile principale. Superbul film a fost, de altfel, nominalizat si la Oscar.
„Tot ce avem nevoie pentru a calatori in timp este o nava spatiala care sa poata sa mearga mai repede decat viteza luminii. Din pacate insa, asa cum ne spune Einstein, pentru a calatorii cu o asemenea viteza este nevoie de cantitati de energie enorme, care sa permita navei respective sa accelereze atat de puternic incat sa depaseasca viteza luminii. Cu cat viteza dezvoltata e mai mare cu atat cantitatea de energie necesara e mai mare. Ca atare, pentru a depasi viteza luminii, am avea nevoie de un motor cu o putere infinita”.(Stephen Hawking)
Din pacate, se pare ca vom mai avea ceva de asteptat, daca dorim sa calatorim in timp.Nu va fi chiar asa usor de creat o asemenea Masina a Timpului.
OK, Stephen, esti un geniu, recunosc. Insa eu am reusit cumva sa calatoresc in timp. Spre exemplu, am reusit sa scurtez Iarna. Cum?
Pana la Primavara mai sunt 34 de zile.
Din acestea, 9 zile cad in weekend, asa ca raman doar 25 de zile lucratoare. In care dormim cate 8 ore. Adica mai scadem 200 de ore din cele 600 cate au ramas pana la primavara. Iar din cele ramase mai scadem cele 8 ore de stat la birou zilnic. Raman doar 200 de ore de Iarna, adica vreo 8 zile pana vine Primavara. V-am spus ca sunt un calator in timp?
Bucurati-va de ultima saptamana de iarna!