HellO, WOrld!
Bucharest is changing. Surprisingly, I felt it when I return from my short holiday in Berlin. For the first time ever I haven’t fell into a terrible depression when I landed on the Otopeni Airport. I start to believe that something good is happening here. I guess there are some subtle changes but are becoming increasingly visible. For example, on Facebook, the photo that was most liked and get a huge number of shares is the one with a 90 years old gorgeous lady, meet by Andreea Lupescu in one morning in Cismigiu Park. Frida gives her (and us) a great life lesson. And a love lesson too.
A different lesson I get from a gentleman walking his dog in an afternoon, on the street where my office is. An old dog, old loud loud, but with some splendid eyes. A stray dog. Saved from a terrible beating by this gentle man and adopted because his soul was broken seeing such much suffering. Now it’s his beloved dog, and the old men is not alone anymore. Two old friends going out for a walk and giving me a lesson about generosity and compassion. One of the 15, other 65 years old.
Then, two days in a row, I had the feeling that my office is somewhere in Marais, in Paris. Or in the Uber hip Kreuzberg neighbourhoods of Berlin. I must tell you that my office is on Calea Calarasilor, close to Piata Traian, which is not the most elegant area of Bucharest. Even so, I had a very nice surprise to see two amazingly beautiful people having lunch at the same terrace with me. I know, it’s not nice to stare at the people when they are eating, but I couldn’t resist to study them for a couple of minutes. First, it was a beautiful mom. A young, gorgeous mom with his little baby. OMG, she was so elegant and classy and beautiful! Then, the next day, Anca, my colleague, has a struck with a gentleman who’s sitting at a table next to us. I must admit, she was right, the man has a „je ne sais quoi”, that makes him look like a french poet, ready to write a new elegy. Even if t was just a coincidence, I hope I will have such nice surprises everyday. For a streetfashion blogger like me, it’s a very good sign.
And now, the least but not last, is the change that happend in the justice system. Oprescu, the mayer of Bucharest, is still in prison, after he was arrested for bribery allegation. That makes me feel, somehow, more safe. I think the city will look soon much better. And I’m wondering what’s next? What nice surprise will Bucharest make us?
P.S. I hope that the terrible ugly project of the huge disco cross in the University square will be never realized. We had already enough uglyness in Bucharest. Let’s stop them. #SaveBucharest
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers.
Photography: Sebastian Florea
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Constantine Renakossy top available on Molecule-F, Zara trousers, Nike Huarache sneakers, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses.
HellO, WOrld!
Bucurestiul se schimba. Surprinzator, dar am simtit asta cel mai bine la intoarcerea din scurta mea vacanta la Berlin. Pentru prima data nu am cazut intr-o depresie groaznica in momentul in care am iesit din Aeroportul Otopeni. Incep sa cred ca se intampla ceva bine aici. Sunt niste schimbari subtile, insa care devin din ce in ce mai vizibile. Pe Facebook, fotografia care a avut cele mai multe like-uri si share-uri, este cea a a superbei doamne de 90 de ani intalnita de Andreea Lupescu intr-o dimineata, in parcul Cismigiu. Frida i-a dat Andreei, dar si noua, o frumoasa lectie de viata. Si de dragoste.
O altfel de lectie am primit-o de la un domn care isi plimba catelul intr-o dupa-amiaza, pe strada unde se afla biroul meu. Un caine batran, tare tare batran, dar cu niste ochi splendizi. Un maidanez. L-a salvat de la o bataie groaznica si l-a adoptat, pentru ca i s-a rupt sufletul vazand cum sufera. Acum e cainele lui, care ii tine de urat, pentru ca era singur de ceva vreme. Doi batrani, iesiti la plimbare. Unul de 15, altul de 65 de ani. Care m-au invatat ce inseamna compasiunea si generozitatea.
Iar apoi, ca printr-o minune, doua zile la rand am avut senzatia ca biroul meu s-a teleportat in faimosul Marais din Paris. Sau, in Uber hip-ul cartier Kreutzberg din Berlin. Si nu va imaginati ca biroul meu este in vreo zona eleganta din Bucuresti. Noo, e fix pe Calea Calarasilor, aproape de Piata Traian. O zona nicicum, as spune. Insa doua zile la rand, am avut parte de niste surprize superbe la pranz. Prima, o mama care a venit sa ia masa impreuna cu bebelusul ei, la terasa unde ma aflam si eu. Atat de frumoasa, incat ti se taia respiratia. Eleganta, cu o rochia neagra, parea coborata de pe catwalk, din prezentarea Dolce&Gabbana pentru colectia de toamna/iarna 2015/2016. Cu tot cu bebelus in brate. #love
Iar a doua zi, Anca, colega si prietena ce ma insoteste in fiecare zi la pranz, a facut un coup de foudre pentru un domn ce s-a asezat la masa vecina. Si am inteles imediat de ce, pentru ca barbatul arata ca un poet francez ratacit in aceasta fosta mahala a Bucurestiului, pregatit sa scrie urmatoarea sa elegie. Avea acel „je ne sais quoi” care il facea sa para un excentric aterizat intr-un mod foarte ciudat pe terasa de la „La Mama”. Hmm, mi-am spus din nou, ceva se intampla cu Bucurestiul.
Dar ultimul, insa nu cel din urma semnal ca ceva se schimba, este chiar faptul ca primarul Bucurestiului e in continuare in inchisoare, dupa ce a fost acuzat de luare de mita. Asta inseamna ca justitia se schimba si ea. Iar asta ma face sa ma simt, cumva, mult mai in siguranta in acest oras. Care sper ca va arata din ce in ce mai bine. Si mai firesc, fara cladiri istorice daramate peste noapte, fara parcuri distruse, fara claxoane si cu multe piste de biciclete. Ca o adevarata capitala europeana.
Asa ca acum ma intreb „What’s Next?”. Cu ce o sa ma mai surprinda frumos Bucurestiul?
Tu ce crezi?
P.S. In ordinea asta de idei, sper ca proiectul crucii disco uriase, pe care au de gand s-o amplaseze in Piata Universitatii, sa nu se realizeze niciodata. Am avut parte de suficienta uratenie in proiectele realizate in ultimii ani in Bucuresti. Nu ne mai trebuie inca un exemplu. Hai sa-i oprim! #SaveBucharest