Sari la conținut
The Stories of O.
The Stories of O.
Young Designers: Laura Lungu si colectia ei in care contrariile se unesc armonios
Young Designers: Laura Lungu si colectia ei in care contrariile se unesc armonios
Florenta: Splendoare in Galeriile Uffizi
Florenta: Splendoare in Galeriile Uffizi
Young Designers: Laurentia Ceban si colectia ei ca o intoarcere acasa
Young Designers: Laurentia Ceban si colectia ei ca o intoarcere acasa
Young Designers: Vicko Racetin, designerul croat ce face magie cu hainele
Young Designers: Vicko Racetin, designerul croat ce face magie cu hainele
Frankfurt – un oras german surprinzator de fain!
Frankfurt – un oras german surprinzator de fain!
Young Designers: Alexia Ciloci si colectia sa ca un semn de intrebare
Young Designers: Alexia Ciloci si colectia sa ca un semn de intrebare
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXV)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXV)
Young Designers: Raul Pașcalău și colecția sa manifest
Young Designers: Raul Pașcalău și colecția sa manifest
Varsovia, acest Manhattan din Est
Varsovia, acest Manhattan din Est
Young Designers: Renata Mihaly si „Baht”, colectia sa inspirata de cultura rroma
Young Designers: Renata Mihaly si „Baht”, colectia sa inspirata de cultura rroma
Lacramioara Crisan si colectia sa ce reinterpreteaza atat de superb camasa masculina
Lacramioara Crisan si colectia sa ce reinterpreteaza atat de superb camasa masculina
Young Designers: „100%” Florin Breje
Young Designers: „100%” Florin Breje
Best of Feeric Fashion Week 2024
Best of Feeric Fashion Week 2024
Summer Well, see you soon!
Summer Well, see you soon!
Young Designers: Andrei Petculescu si colectia lui urbana de menswear
Young Designers: Andrei Petculescu si colectia lui urbana de menswear
Reykjavik: 8 lucruri pe care trebuie sa le vezi aici!
Reykjavik: 8 lucruri pe care trebuie sa le vezi aici!
Young Designers: Robert Roca si colectia sa „Himeros”, care chiar m-a facut sa visez
Young Designers: Robert Roca si colectia sa „Himeros”, care chiar m-a facut sa visez
Young Designers: Adelina Popescu si omagiul ei pentru cei care se lupta cu piedici ce par de netrecut
Young Designers: Adelina Popescu si omagiul ei pentru cei care se lupta cu piedici ce par de netrecut
Abu Dhabi: Splendoarea moscheii Sheikh Zayed
Abu Dhabi: Splendoarea moscheii Sheikh Zayed
Young Designers: Mara Popa, care transforma cicatricile in cele mai frumoase haine pe care ti-ai dori sa le porti
Young Designers: Mara Popa, care transforma cicatricile in cele mai frumoase haine pe care ti-ai dori sa le porti
Aleksander Revas: Despre „Visul lui Alexandru” si noua sa colectie, „Alchimia unei primaveri”
Aleksander Revas: Despre „Visul lui Alexandru” si noua sa colectie, „Alchimia unei primaveri”
Best of UAD Fashion Gala 2024
Best of UAD Fashion Gala 2024
Trei plaje roz pe care trebuie sa ajungi!
Trei plaje roz pe care trebuie sa ajungi!
Best of Gala MDV Timisoara 2024
Best of Gala MDV Timisoara 2024
Best of Gala UNArte Moda 2024
Best of Gala UNArte Moda 2024
Vacanta in Islanda (II): Cascade, plaje ucigase, o falie, un vulcan cu nume imposibil si niste paine neagra
Vacanta in Islanda (II): Cascade, plaje ucigase, o falie, un vulcan cu nume imposibil si niste paine neagra
Ce ne propun designerii romani pentru sezonul urmator? Am aflat, evident, la Iasi, la Romanian Fashion Week!
Ce ne propun designerii romani pentru sezonul urmator? Am aflat, evident, la Iasi, la Romanian Fashion Week!
Dupa-amiaza perfecta pe malul lacului Como
Dupa-amiaza perfecta pe malul lacului Como
Irina Voinea si a sa „Window To A New World”, o colectie ce ne invita la re-nastere
Irina Voinea si a sa „Window To A New World”, o colectie ce ne invita la re-nastere
Despre RCW24 sau Arta trecerii cu bine a timpului
Despre RCW24 sau Arta trecerii cu bine a timpului
Islanda: Dragoste la prima vedere cu Aurora
Islanda: Dragoste la prima vedere cu Aurora
Young Designers: Back in the ’90s with Raul Matis
Young Designers: Back in the ’90s with Raul Matis
Reykjavik: Cele mai bizare lucruri pe care le poti vedea in capitala Islandei
Reykjavik: Cele mai bizare lucruri pe care le poti vedea in capitala Islandei
Milano: O dupa-amiaza la Museo del Novecento
Milano: O dupa-amiaza la Museo del Novecento
Despre „Vineri 13”, Plaja Mortii din Islanda si cum isi gaseste inspiratia Gabriela Babos
Despre „Vineri 13”, Plaja Mortii din Islanda si cum isi gaseste inspiratia Gabriela Babos
Una bella mattina in Bellagio
Una bella mattina in Bellagio
Vacanta in Islanda (I): Gheizere, caluti, o cascada si troli
Vacanta in Islanda (I): Gheizere, caluti, o cascada si troli
Tuta Gold in Milan. Cu un pic de „alchimie” din colectia lui Daniel Radu
Tuta Gold in Milan. Cu un pic de „alchimie” din colectia lui Daniel Radu
Am descoperit un mic Paradis purtand un outfit Lenca Stories
Am descoperit un mic Paradis purtand un outfit Lenca Stories
Back to black in Milan. And it was for good.
Back to black in Milan. And it was for good.
De ce cred ca am ramas in „Zona de interes”. Si de ce ar trebui sa debanalizam raul.
De ce cred ca am ramas in „Zona de interes”. Si de ce ar trebui sa debanalizam raul.
Tenerife: O zi in padurile preistorice laurisilva
Tenerife: O zi in padurile preistorice laurisilva
Cum am fost rapit de extraterestri pe Teide, cel mai inalt vulcan al Europei
Cum am fost rapit de extraterestri pe Teide, cel mai inalt vulcan al Europei
10 Years with The Stories of O.
10 Years with The Stories of O.
Te astept la Future Jobs Cup!
Te astept la Future Jobs Cup!
5 Expozitii + 1 Muzeu de vazut in Timisoara la inceputul lui 2024
5 Expozitii + 1 Muzeu de vazut in Timisoara la inceputul lui 2024
Young Designers: „Cornutele” by Emma Năstase
Young Designers: „Cornutele” by Emma Năstase
De ce ar trebui sa te vezi si tu cu Domnisoara Pogany la Timisoara
De ce ar trebui sa te vezi si tu cu Domnisoara Pogany la Timisoara
Young Designers: „Lungonă Dromănsa” by Anna Slobodeniuc
Young Designers: „Lungonă Dromănsa” by Anna Slobodeniuc
Timisoara: Salutari de la capitala…culturala!
Timisoara: Salutari de la capitala…culturala!
Young Designers: „AuGust” by Ruxandra Nosatîi
Young Designers: „AuGust” by Ruxandra Nosatîi
Young Designers: „Intrusive Thoughts” by Narcis Stoica
Young Designers: „Intrusive Thoughts” by Narcis Stoica
That night when we were Rock & Royals
That night when we were Rock & Royals
Young Designers: „Vineri 13” de Gabriela Baboș
Young Designers: „Vineri 13” de Gabriela Baboș
Young Designers: „Alchemy” by Dani Radu
Young Designers: „Alchemy” by Dani Radu
Young Designers: „Ephemeral Dreams” by Mara Popa
Young Designers: „Ephemeral Dreams” by Mara Popa
Cele mai cool colectii de moda „si-au luat zborul” la Arad Fashion Days (II)
Cele mai cool colectii de moda „si-au luat zborul” la Arad Fashion Days (II)
Cele mai cool colectii de moda „si-au luat zborul” la Arad Fashion Days (I)
Cele mai cool colectii de moda „si-au luat zborul” la Arad Fashion Days (I)
Prima data la Feeric! Uite ce mi-a placut la editia cu numarul XV
Prima data la Feeric! Uite ce mi-a placut la editia cu numarul XV
Young Designers: „Connecting to…” by Erin Beatrice Gregor
Young Designers: „Connecting to…” by Erin Beatrice Gregor
Hotel Euforia – Locul unde linistea intalneste marea
Hotel Euforia – Locul unde linistea intalneste marea
Antrenament pentru weekend cu muzici de Summer Well
Antrenament pentru weekend cu muzici de Summer Well
Young Designers: „nO MASK” by Octavian Grancea
Young Designers: „nO MASK” by Octavian Grancea
Viata e roz si roz este lumea toata. Sau ar trebui sa fie.
Viata e roz si roz este lumea toata. Sau ar trebui sa fie.
Young Designers: „Innovative Deconstructions” by Diana Carmen Rus
Young Designers: „Innovative Deconstructions” by Diana Carmen Rus
Young Designers: The Memory of Something I Have Seen, by Mario Birdean
Young Designers: The Memory of Something I Have Seen, by Mario Birdean
Best of Gala MDV Timisoara
Best of Gala MDV Timisoara
It’s so good to be back! The highlights of UAD Fashion 2023!
It’s so good to be back! The highlights of UAD Fashion 2023!
Best of Gala UNArte Moda 2023
Best of Gala UNArte Moda 2023
Cum am debutat ca model la Romanian Fashion Week
Cum am debutat ca model la Romanian Fashion Week
O. Beach! Am lansat cea mai fresh colectie a verii!
O. Beach! Am lansat cea mai fresh colectie a verii!
Nesebar – O zi in cel mai cochet oras bulgaresc de la Marea Neagra
Nesebar – O zi in cel mai cochet oras bulgaresc de la Marea Neagra
What The World Needs Now Is Love
What The World Needs Now Is Love
Antalya: Aventura la The Land of Legends
Antalya: Aventura la The Land of Legends
Paradisul din Antalya: Phaselis Bay
Paradisul din Antalya: Phaselis Bay
Cele mai frumoase magnolii din Bucuresti
Cele mai frumoase magnolii din Bucuresti
Mie imi place in Safari. Mai ales daca e facut cu Arta.
Mie imi place in Safari. Mai ales daca e facut cu Arta.
Israel: Am descoperit Caesarea si mi-a placut!
Israel: Am descoperit Caesarea si mi-a placut!
„Orice, oriunde, oricand” nu trebuie vazut de oricine
„Orice, oriunde, oricand” nu trebuie vazut de oricine
Viena: Locul meu preferat din capitala Austriei
Viena: Locul meu preferat din capitala Austriei
Daca Babylon ar fi fost o petrecere, ar fi fost cel mai tare party ever
Daca Babylon ar fi fost o petrecere, ar fi fost cel mai tare party ever
Despre The White Lotus, Jennifer Coolidge si un colt de Taormina
Despre The White Lotus, Jennifer Coolidge si un colt de Taormina
Happy And Fabulous 2023!
Happy And Fabulous 2023!
Viena – O zi la Muzeul Albertina
Viena – O zi la Muzeul Albertina
Istanbul – In palatul sultanilor din Dolmabahce
Istanbul – In palatul sultanilor din Dolmabahce
Poveste de Craciun cu Tommy Hilfiger
Poveste de Craciun cu Tommy Hilfiger
Bratislava: Surpriza de pe Dunare
Bratislava: Surpriza de pe Dunare
Istanbul: Vedere din Galata
Istanbul: Vedere din Galata
Istanbul – Paradisul cumparaturilor de pe Bosfor
Istanbul – Paradisul cumparaturilor de pe Bosfor
O. Brad Frumos e din nou aici!
O. Brad Frumos e din nou aici!
Vizita la castel
Vizita la castel
Si barbatii spala vase cateodata
Si barbatii spala vase cateodata
O. Bluza + O. Sacosa + O. Rochie = LOVE
O. Bluza + O. Sacosa + O. Rochie = LOVE
Portugalia: O zi in Sintra
Portugalia: O zi in Sintra
Alese din cartier (I)
Alese din cartier (I)
Ce faci in weekend?
Ce faci in weekend?
„Competitia Oficiala” e prea bun ca sa nu-l vezi
„Competitia Oficiala” e prea bun ca sa nu-l vezi
Un tur prin Romania cu bun gust
Un tur prin Romania cu bun gust
Cele mai frumoase plaje vazute in ultimii 3 ani
Cele mai frumoase plaje vazute in ultimii 3 ani
Aventura continua pe Disney+
Aventura continua pe Disney+
Lisabona – Ce sa vizitezi: Belem si LX Factory
Lisabona – Ce sa vizitezi: Belem si LX Factory
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXIV)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXIV)
Tel Aviv: Viata ca o plaja
Tel Aviv: Viata ca o plaja
Din Ierusalim, cu dragoste
Din Ierusalim, cu dragoste
Hasta la vista, baby!
Hasta la vista, baby!
Tel Aviv: Ce si unde se mananca bun
Tel Aviv: Ce si unde se mananca bun
Arta + Iasi = Love
Arta + Iasi = Love
Unde gasesti Sicilia autentica?
Unde gasesti Sicilia autentica?
M-am intors la Iasi pentru Romanian Creative Week. Si e WOW!
M-am intors la Iasi pentru Romanian Creative Week. Si e WOW!
Ce faci in Weekend?
Ce faci in Weekend?
Catania : 6 locuri pe care nu trebuie sa le ratezi!
Catania : 6 locuri pe care nu trebuie sa le ratezi!
Cea mai frumoasa strada din Taormina
Cea mai frumoasa strada din Taormina
Big Blue Taormina Love
Big Blue Taormina Love
Under the Sicilian Sun with Tommy Hilfiger
Under the Sicilian Sun with Tommy Hilfiger
Viziteaza Harghita: O sa te lingi pe degete!
Viziteaza Harghita: O sa te lingi pe degete!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXIII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXIII)
Lisabona. Cum ajungi si ce e de vazut in capitala Portugaliei. (I)
Lisabona. Cum ajungi si ce e de vazut in capitala Portugaliei. (I)
Egipt: Valea Regilor si Templul lui Hatshepsut
Egipt: Valea Regilor si Templul lui Hatshepsut
A Very Secret Mission. Powered by Nokia XR20
A Very Secret Mission. Powered by Nokia XR20
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXII)
Paradis dupa colt: Muzeul Sorolla din Madrid.
Paradis dupa colt: Muzeul Sorolla din Madrid.
Egypt: Meeting the Gods in Karnak
Egypt: Meeting the Gods in Karnak
Egypt: Back to the pyramids
Egypt: Back to the pyramids
Toledo, I’ll be back!
Toledo, I’ll be back!
Romanian Creative Week 2021: Photo Journal
Romanian Creative Week 2021: Photo Journal
Welcome to Paradise! In Egypt!
Welcome to Paradise! In Egypt!
A day in El Escorial
A day in El Escorial
Take care of our planet with Tommy Hilfiger
Take care of our planet with Tommy Hilfiger
O. Women. with love
O. Women. with love
Moving Forward Together with Tommy Hilfiger
Moving Forward Together with Tommy Hilfiger
Germany: on my Travel bucket list for 2021
Germany: on my Travel bucket list for 2021
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Welcome to Alba Carolina!
Welcome to Alba Carolina!
Un weekend la Crama Țelna
Un weekend la Crama Țelna
California dreaming with Tommy Hilfiger Tailored
California dreaming with Tommy Hilfiger Tailored
Am sarit cu parasuta. Si a fost WOW!
Am sarit cu parasuta. Si a fost WOW!
Inca 5 motive sa vizitezi Harghita
Inca 5 motive sa vizitezi Harghita
5 Motive sa vizitezi Harghita
5 Motive sa vizitezi Harghita
Sunrise, sunrise!
Sunrise, sunrise!
O. să (mai) fie bine?
O. să (mai) fie bine?
Dreaming of Saint-Tropez
Dreaming of Saint-Tropez
I need a holiday! But where? And when?
I need a holiday! But where? And when?
Summer in the City with Tommy Hilfiger
Summer in the City with Tommy Hilfiger
It’s O.moji time! My new collection is here!
It’s O.moji time! My new collection is here!
Ce am facut in pandemie?
Ce am facut in pandemie?
10 Rules To Be Always A Best Dressed Man
10 Rules To Be Always A Best Dressed Man
10 Cărți de (re)citit în carantină
10 Cărți de (re)citit în carantină
Proudly Wearing Romanian Designers. More than ever.
Proudly Wearing Romanian Designers. More than ever.
TikTok is more fun. And you need some these days.
TikTok is more fun. And you need some these days.
Muzee si spectacole pe care le poti vedea online in carantina
Muzee si spectacole pe care le poti vedea online in carantina
10 Seriale de vazut in sezonul Coronavirusului
10 Seriale de vazut in sezonul Coronavirusului
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXI)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XXI)
Is LOVE overrated?
Is LOVE overrated?
TommyXLewisXH.E.R. live from London!
TommyXLewisXH.E.R. live from London!
#SaveLittleParis: Palatul Cazzavilan in ruina
#SaveLittleParis: Palatul Cazzavilan in ruina
O. My Love is here. And it’s online.
O. My Love is here. And it’s online.
Iordania: Amman e fascinant! Uite ce trebuie sa vizitezi aici.
Iordania: Amman e fascinant! Uite ce trebuie sa vizitezi aici.
Australia arde. Cine urmeaza?
Australia arde. Cine urmeaza?
Where to go in holiday in 2020
Where to go in holiday in 2020
Dashing Through The Snow
Dashing Through The Snow
The Story of A Frosted Christmas
The Story of A Frosted Christmas
BFF Story: Cristina Stanciulescu
BFF Story: Cristina Stanciulescu
Noua colectie O. Brad Frumos e aici!
Noua colectie O. Brad Frumos e aici!
Cantarelli Fashion Week in Bucharest
Cantarelli Fashion Week in Bucharest
Iordania – O zi in Petra cea misterioasa
Iordania – O zi in Petra cea misterioasa
Rosa Mundi: descopera parfumurile intregii lumi
Rosa Mundi: descopera parfumurile intregii lumi
Iordania: Wadi Rum e incredibil!
Iordania: Wadi Rum e incredibil!
Suddenly, Autumn! And I LOve it!
Suddenly, Autumn! And I LOve it!
Live for the story. Always!
Live for the story. Always!
Barefoot in Little Petra
Barefoot in Little Petra
O. My God! Denim! My new collection is here!
O. My God! Denim! My new collection is here!
Ready for a new adventure with Tommy X Mercedes Benz collection
Ready for a new adventure with Tommy X Mercedes Benz collection
Diesel X Coca Cola (RE)collection is here!
Diesel X Coca Cola (RE)collection is here!
Syoss Men iti ofera cea mai buna versiune a ta!
Syoss Men iti ofera cea mai buna versiune a ta!
Social Monday Media
Social Monday Media
Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody
Would you be my Mini Me? I want you in my team!
Would you be my Mini Me? I want you in my team!
De ce sa vezi La Gomera
De ce sa vezi La Gomera
2 sfaturi pentru antreprenori dupa 2 ani de antreprenoriat
2 sfaturi pentru antreprenori dupa 2 ani de antreprenoriat
TOMMYNOW live from New York!
TOMMYNOW live from New York!
Crazy Little Things I LOVE
Crazy Little Things I LOVE
H&M Studio AW19 – A bit of Magical Realism
H&M Studio AW19 – A bit of Magical Realism
TommyXZendaya – This Autumn is So Cool!
TommyXZendaya – This Autumn is So Cool!
Unde sa mergi in vacanta in Septembrie
Unde sa mergi in vacanta in Septembrie
Monumental COS AW19 Collection
Monumental COS AW19 Collection
Viziteaza Haferland! E de vis!
Viziteaza Haferland! E de vis!
Am ales castigatorii Fashion Fanatic 2019!
Am ales castigatorii Fashion Fanatic 2019!
Diesel AW19 Collection – For The Brave Hearts
Diesel AW19 Collection – For The Brave Hearts
BFF Story: Noemi
BFF Story: Noemi
Mirela Bucovicean: Ain’t No Business Like Fashion Business
Mirela Bucovicean: Ain’t No Business Like Fashion Business
Fashion It’s Not For The Fake
Fashion It’s Not For The Fake
All things beautiful at Electric Castle
All things beautiful at Electric Castle
Bucuresti – unde gasesti cea mai buna inghetata?
Bucuresti – unde gasesti cea mai buna inghetata?
Milano Navigli – You will love it!
Milano Navigli – You will love it!
Milan with an Urban Feel
Milan with an Urban Feel
Cluj, you are WOW! Highlights of UAD Gala 25
Cluj, you are WOW! Highlights of UAD Gala 25
I am a best dressed man
I am a best dressed man
Madrid I Love You
Madrid I Love You
Segovia it’s like a Disney fairy tale.
Segovia it’s like a Disney fairy tale.
Milano Hot Spots
Milano Hot Spots
My Italian Afternoon In Bucharest
My Italian Afternoon In Bucharest
Madrid is HOT!
Madrid is HOT!
Cernobîl – sau cât ne costă minciuna?
Cernobîl – sau cât ne costă minciuna?
Love at first sight in Madrid
Love at first sight in Madrid
Strolling on Gran Via in my Summer Tommy Hilfiger outfit
Strolling on Gran Via in my Summer Tommy Hilfiger outfit
Segovia – You should see this!
Segovia – You should see this!
Holiday in Bucovina – a good choice!
Holiday in Bucovina – a good choice!
M-am saturat sa fiu perfect
M-am saturat sa fiu perfect
Crazy Little Things I LOve
Crazy Little Things I LOve
TommyXMercedes-Benz collection it’s so cool!
TommyXMercedes-Benz collection it’s so cool!
Weather it’s so unpredictable, why we should be different?
Weather it’s so unpredictable, why we should be different?
It’s cool to #BeAFollower !
It’s cool to #BeAFollower !
With Airfrance In The Sky
With Airfrance In The Sky
I wanna be your follower!
I wanna be your follower!
A perfect blue Sunday with my Topman suit
A perfect blue Sunday with my Topman suit
Livin’ the American Dream with Tommy Hilfiger Tailored
Livin’ the American Dream with Tommy Hilfiger Tailored
Decât o Revistă #Șîeu șî Selly
Decât o Revistă #Șîeu șî Selly
BFF Story: Ana Morodan
BFF Story: Ana Morodan
De ce sa o vezi pe Nina Cassian in Distanta dintre mine si mine
De ce sa o vezi pe Nina Cassian in Distanta dintre mine si mine Martie Martie
TOMMYNOW is Live From Paris!
TOMMYNOW is Live From Paris!
Telespan, Books, Clothes and Other Drugs
Telespan, Books, Clothes and Other Drugs
The White Shirt Project from COS
The White Shirt Project from COS
Cum mi-au castigat bagajele increderea
Cum mi-au castigat bagajele increderea
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XX)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XX)
Ce a facut Von Trier cu Casa pe care Jack a construit-o?
Ce a facut Von Trier cu Casa pe care Jack a construit-o?
Be A Follower! by Diesel SS19
Be A Follower! by Diesel SS19
My Crazy Year 2018!
My Crazy Year 2018!
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XXI)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XXI)
8 chestii pe care nu trebuie sa le ratezi in Florenta
8 chestii pe care nu trebuie sa le ratezi in Florenta
Cum am iesit din Padurea Spanzuratilor a lui Radu Afrim
Cum am iesit din Padurea Spanzuratilor a lui Radu Afrim
Tu esti You?
Tu esti You?
Where to go in holiday in 2019
Where to go in holiday in 2019
Discovering COS SS19 collection in Warsaw
Discovering COS SS19 collection in Warsaw
Christmas Frenzy is over. It’s time to relax.
Christmas Frenzy is over. It’s time to relax.
In Search of Lost Time
In Search of Lost Time
The most wonderful time of the year!
The most wonderful time of the year!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIX)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIX)
12 idei de vacanta pentru 2019
12 idei de vacanta pentru 2019
Australia e superba! Merita sa mergi in vacanta acolo!
Australia e superba! Merita sa mergi in vacanta acolo!
O. ce veste minunata!
O. ce veste minunata!
La Grande Bellezza a Casa di Peroni
La Grande Bellezza a Casa di Peroni
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVIII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVIII)
Best Christmas Ads 2018
Best Christmas Ads 2018
Benvenuto a Casa di Peroni!
Benvenuto a Casa di Peroni!
Every good story needs a Selphy
Every good story needs a Selphy
Vacanta la Sighisoara si Saschiz? Neaparat!
Vacanta la Sighisoara si Saschiz? Neaparat!
Are you ready for #HMoschino?
Are you ready for #HMoschino?
A Star Is Born!
A Star Is Born!
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XX)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XX)
5 + 1 motive pentru care merita sa vizitezi Sovata
5 + 1 motive pentru care merita sa vizitezi Sovata
Wanna be a Real Glam designer?
Wanna be a Real Glam designer?
Crossing the line for L’Interdit by Givenchy
Crossing the line for L’Interdit by Givenchy
Catching The Signature in Florence
Catching The Signature in Florence
Follow your instinct. Explore!
Follow your instinct. Explore!
Bruxelles – A wonderful evening in Grand-Place
Bruxelles – A wonderful evening in Grand-Place
Living The Italian Way In Florence
Living The Italian Way In Florence
Diesel Haute Couture
Diesel Haute Couture
9 and a half months
9 and a half months
Amsterdam in La Grande Italia
Amsterdam in La Grande Italia
The last sunrise of the Summer
The last sunrise of the Summer
Bruxelles – This is Atomium!
Bruxelles – This is Atomium!
Una bella cena a Riviera Peroni
Una bella cena a Riviera Peroni
Gerlinea nu te lasa la greu!
Gerlinea nu te lasa la greu!
Bruges in La Grande Italia
Bruges in La Grande Italia
IAmsterdam Love!
IAmsterdam Love!
O51 – Image Matters
O51 – Image Matters
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVII)
Bruxelles in La Grande Italia
Bruxelles in La Grande Italia
My very Summer Well 2018!
My very Summer Well 2018!
Ivana Chubbuck revine in Romania ca sa te invete cum sa vorbesti in public. Si nu numai.
Ivana Chubbuck revine in Romania ca sa te invete cum sa vorbesti in public. Si nu numai.
Summer Well, see you soon!
Summer Well, see you soon!
5 Travel Tips from Mastercard
5 Travel Tips from Mastercard
Iran – In love with Shiraz!
Iran – In love with Shiraz!
O. viata mea! It’s so much fun!
O. viata mea! It’s so much fun!
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XIX)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XIX)
Muzeul Astra din Sibiu e tare fain!
Muzeul Astra din Sibiu e tare fain!
La vita e bella a Riviera Peroni
La vita e bella a Riviera Peroni
Mergem la plaja! Dar ce purtam sezonul asta?
Mergem la plaja! Dar ce purtam sezonul asta?
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Disneyland Paris
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Disneyland Paris
Iran – The history begins at Persepolis
Iran – The history begins at Persepolis
Top 10 Plaje din lume pe care am ajuns (…pana acum)
Top 10 Plaje din lume pe care am ajuns (…pana acum)
Una fiesta Cubana con Zenith Cohiba
Una fiesta Cubana con Zenith Cohiba
The highlights of UAD GALA 2018. Cluj, you are the best!
The highlights of UAD GALA 2018. Cluj, you are the best!
O. caut cu lumanarea! It’s my new Tshirt
O. caut cu lumanarea! It’s my new Tshirt
Here Are My Summer Events Outfits
Here Are My Summer Events Outfits
The Stories of O. in vizita la Prietenii de la 11
The Stories of O. in vizita la Prietenii de la 11
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XVIII)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XVIII)
BFF Story: Anca
BFF Story: Anca
A beautiful Picnic Day
A beautiful Picnic Day
Happy 85th Anniversary, Lacoste!
Happy 85th Anniversary, Lacoste!
Playlist for a hot June
Playlist for a hot June
In LOVE with Molecule F to Infinity
In LOVE with Molecule F to Infinity
Iran – Ce trebuie neaparat sa vezi in Teheran
Iran – Ce trebuie neaparat sa vezi in Teheran
Iran – From Yazd to Pasargadae
Iran – From Yazd to Pasargadae
Iran – The Splendors of Kashan
Iran – The Splendors of Kashan
LOve is For All
LOve is For All
A Very Special Date With A Countess
A Very Special Date With A Countess
Best dressed men at VIVA Party!
Best dressed men at VIVA Party!
Molecule F Tee in Esfahan, the magic city of Persia
Molecule F Tee in Esfahan, the magic city of Persia
In Bloom!
In Bloom!
Disneyland Paris is Magic!
Disneyland Paris is Magic!
Mr Bear Family is taking care of my new tattoos!
Mr Bear Family is taking care of my new tattoos!
Back to work!
Back to work!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVI)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XVI)
That’s it.
That’s it.
Lumea O. Ador!
Lumea O. Ador!
I Will Teach You How To Sell Yourself!
I Will Teach You How To Sell Yourself!
The Stories of O. Bowties
The Stories of O. Bowties
Good news from the top!
Good news from the top!
Braiconf x Ovidiu Buta
Braiconf x Ovidiu Buta
What’s Up, Bucharest?
What’s Up, Bucharest?
Soon, a new H&M Conscious Exclusive Collection!
Soon, a new H&M Conscious Exclusive Collection!
Crazy Little Things I Love (XVII)
Crazy Little Things I Love (XVII)
La Maison d’à Côté – Amazing French Cuisine in Loire Valley
La Maison d’à Côté – Amazing French Cuisine in Loire Valley
Free Yourself!
Free Yourself!
Bali – The Island of The Gods
Bali – The Island of The Gods
Call Me By Your Name
Call Me By Your Name
When Spring is Coming
When Spring is Coming
Bali – A Day At The Rice Fields
Bali – A Day At The Rice Fields
Bali – Uluwatu Temple and The Crazy Monkey
Bali – Uluwatu Temple and The Crazy Monkey
Bangkok – Temples, Golden Buddhas and Royal Palace
Bangkok – Temples, Golden Buddhas and Royal Palace
Soldatii. O Poveste din Ferentari sau coliziunea a doua lumi paralele
Soldatii. O Poveste din Ferentari sau coliziunea a doua lumi paralele
Bali and his Amazing Waterfalls!
Bali and his Amazing Waterfalls!
O. Iubesc – My New TShirt collection is here!
O. Iubesc – My New TShirt collection is here!
Una Mujer Fantastica
Una Mujer Fantastica
Bali – Life is a beach
Bali – Life is a beach
Bangkok – China Town or Where Else To Eat.
Bangkok – China Town or Where Else To Eat.
Crazy Little Things I Love (XVI)
Crazy Little Things I Love (XVI)
O. Sole Mio! I Love Italy!
O. Sole Mio! I Love Italy!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XV)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XV)
Molecule F Tee in Europe
Molecule F Tee in Europe
France – Castles of Loire Valley
France – Castles of Loire Valley
Bucharest in my 2017 pics
Bucharest in my 2017 pics
Celebrate like a true gentlemen. Wear a bowtie!
Celebrate like a true gentlemen. Wear a bowtie!
Christmas gifts from Romanian Designers are always cool!
Christmas gifts from Romanian Designers are always cool!
A wonderful adventure in Loire Valley
A wonderful adventure in Loire Valley
Real Men Wear Jumpsuits
Real Men Wear Jumpsuits
Good News From The Next Words
Good News From The Next Words
All you need is a bowtie! The Stories of O. bowtie!
All you need is a bowtie! The Stories of O. bowtie!
E Duminica. Ce facem azi?
E Duminica. Ce facem azi?
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XV)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XV)
The Best Christmas Ads 2017
The Best Christmas Ads 2017
Creative Wednesday
Creative Wednesday
Scents of Magic Cities
Scents of Magic Cities
Reduceri La Fiecare Pas!
Reduceri La Fiecare Pas!
Molecule F Tee in Vatican
Molecule F Tee in Vatican
I’ll Go With The Flaw
I’ll Go With The Flaw
Aroma in Roma – A 5 stars Michelin experience!
Aroma in Roma – A 5 stars Michelin experience!
A House Full Of Friends!
A House Full Of Friends!
Zabola Castle: A magic Weekend!
Zabola Castle: A magic Weekend!
Roma – Welcome To My Secret Garden
Roma – Welcome To My Secret Garden
O. Sole Mio! It’s Time To Party!
O. Sole Mio! It’s Time To Party!
Crazy Little Things I Love  (XIV)
Crazy Little Things I Love (XIV)
A Morning In Rome with Erdem X H&M
A Morning In Rome with Erdem X H&M
A Gold Fish It’s Just A Gold Fish
A Gold Fish It’s Just A Gold Fish
The Most Amazing House in Bucharest!
The Most Amazing House in Bucharest!
The Very Sad Story of English Hotel
The Very Sad Story of English Hotel
Just a perfect day in Covasna
Just a perfect day in Covasna
My Peroni Diario
My Peroni Diario
In Bed With Siri
In Bed With Siri
Pipera, I give you my shirts!
Pipera, I give you my shirts!
A story from another World
A story from another World
Santorini – The Greek Blue Dream
Santorini – The Greek Blue Dream
To The Mountains with H&M Studio AW17!
To The Mountains with H&M Studio AW17!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIV)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIV)
O. La La! What a great Summer I had!
O. La La! What a great Summer I had!
Molecule F Tee in Crete!
Molecule F Tee in Crete!
Crazy Little Things I Love (XIII)
Crazy Little Things I Love (XIII)
Chania – The Amazing Venetian Town from Crete
Chania – The Amazing Venetian Town from Crete
The Life of a Lifestyle blogger
The Life of a Lifestyle blogger
The Jeans Of Your Dreams
The Jeans Of Your Dreams
Summertime Sadness
Summertime Sadness
Together Stronger with Emporio Armani
Together Stronger with Emporio Armani
Creta – Cele mai frumoase plaje!
Creta – Cele mai frumoase plaje!
COS AW17 Is Here!
COS AW17 Is Here!
Are You Ready To Summer Well?
Are You Ready To Summer Well?
O. La La! It’s a new Tshirt in town!
O. La La! It’s a new Tshirt in town!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Cluj (II)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Cluj (II)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XII)
Crazy Little Things I LOve (XII)
My Top 5 Beaches Right Now
My Top 5 Beaches Right Now
Are you ready to party?
Are you ready to party?
The best of Gala UAD 2017. Cluj rulz again!
The best of Gala UAD 2017. Cluj rulz again!
My Summer Oasis
My Summer Oasis
My Love Is Diesel!
My Love Is Diesel!
Happy 7th Anniversary, Molecule F!
Happy 7th Anniversary, Molecule F!
Un’estate italiana
Un’estate italiana
Get out of the box!
Get out of the box!
Crazy Little Things I Love (X)
Crazy Little Things I Love (X)
TIFF-ing in Cluj is amazing!
TIFF-ing in Cluj is amazing!
Watch this!
Watch this!
Let’s see the sea! ASAP!
Let’s see the sea! ASAP!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XIII)
O.Honey Spent My Money!
O.Honey Spent My Money!
Voyage, Voyage!
Voyage, Voyage!
O. My God! Depeche Mode!
O. My God! Depeche Mode!
Cluj, you rulz!
Cluj, you rulz!
HellO, Can You Sea Me?
HellO, Can You Sea Me?
The Velvet Collection For Gentlemen Only
The Velvet Collection For Gentlemen Only
It’s always shoe o’clock somewhere
It’s always shoe o’clock somewhere
Paris is always a good idea!
Paris is always a good idea!
Today Is My Favorite Day. Because it’s Today.
Today Is My Favorite Day. Because it’s Today.
I’m in the April Issue of Marie Claire!
I’m in the April Issue of Marie Claire!
I’m only human, after all.
I’m only human, after all.
Crazy Little Things I Love (IX)
Crazy Little Things I Love (IX)
I’m Conscious in Paris
I’m Conscious in Paris
Tears of joy and tears of sorrow
Tears of joy and tears of sorrow
Paris London Pipera
Paris London Pipera
Molecule F Tee travels a lot!
Molecule F Tee travels a lot!
Somewhere, someday
Somewhere, someday
My Wonderful 2016 Story
My Wonderful 2016 Story
Find Yourself
Find Yourself
Crazy Little Things I Love (VIII)
Crazy Little Things I Love (VIII)
Strength & Sensitivity
Strength & Sensitivity
Make LOVE Not Walls!
Make LOVE Not Walls!
XO XO LOve! I Heart You!
XO XO LOve! I Heart You!
Love Hurts
Love Hurts
Te-ai saturat de coruptie? Best places to emigrate right now outside Europe.
Te-ai saturat de coruptie? Best places to emigrate right now outside Europe.
Collateral Beauty
Collateral Beauty
Code Red
Code Red
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XII)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XII)
What About My New Year’s Resolutions?
What About My New Year’s Resolutions?
My 2016th Love Story With Romanian Designers
My 2016th Love Story With Romanian Designers
Five German Cities to Visit in 2017
Five German Cities to Visit in 2017
Honey O. loves Instagram. Meow!
Honey O. loves Instagram. Meow!
Where To Go In Holiday in 2017?
Where To Go In Holiday in 2017?
Crazy Little Things I Love (VII)
Crazy Little Things I Love (VII)
Best Christmas Ads 2016
Best Christmas Ads 2016
It’s Black on White
It’s Black on White
A memorable Stella Artois evening
A memorable Stella Artois evening
Tea For Two
Tea For Two
It’s time to gift brilliantly!
It’s time to gift brilliantly!
My BestNine of 2016
My BestNine of 2016
BFF Story: Mika & Mexico
BFF Story: Mika & Mexico
A Single Man
A Single Man
Bonjour, Paul! Ça va? Oui, biensur!
Bonjour, Paul! Ça va? Oui, biensur!
BFF Story: Tibisor Mereu Surprinzator
BFF Story: Tibisor Mereu Surprinzator
For the old friends. And the new friends.
For the old friends. And the new friends.
Scarred Hearts, Cluj & A Beautiful Day
Scarred Hearts, Cluj & A Beautiful Day
Black is such a happy color!
Black is such a happy color!
Crazy Little Things I Love (VI)
Crazy Little Things I Love (VI)
COS & MR PORTER – The Art of the Everyday
COS & MR PORTER – The Art of the Everyday
We live in Westworld
We live in Westworld
A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up for Autumn
A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up for Autumn
Get Wild with Kenzo X H&M!
Get Wild with Kenzo X H&M!
Are you ready for your next holiday?
Are you ready for your next holiday?
Beckham & I. And Enf.
Beckham & I. And Enf.
BFF Story: Marina
BFF Story: Marina
Fossil – (Make) It Your Own
My glorious weekend in Transylvania
My glorious weekend in Transylvania
The Lord of the Castle
The Lord of the Castle
Back To Gym!
Back To Gym!
Press Clip No.28
Press Clip No.28
A Day In The Wineyard
A Day In The Wineyard
I, Beckham! The new collection, soon!
I, Beckham! The new collection, soon!
Crazy Little Things I Love (V)
Crazy Little Things I Love (V)
O. Viata Mea! Ce Party!
O. Viata Mea! Ce Party!
O. Viata Mea! The BFF Tee
O. Viata Mea! The BFF Tee
Here & Now. I have a plan!
Here & Now. I have a plan!
Crazy Little Things I Love (IV)
Crazy Little Things I Love (IV)
Belgrade and other Summer Stories.
Belgrade and other Summer Stories.
Flash Sale X The Stories of O.!
Flash Sale X The Stories of O.!
Live The American Dream!
Live The American Dream!
Crazy Little Things I Love (III)
Crazy Little Things I Love (III)
I’m ready for a WOW Season!
I’m ready for a WOW Season!
My Real Virtual Life
My Real Virtual Life
Looking for the Autumn
Looking for the Autumn
COS AW 2016 Collection is HERE!
COS AW 2016 Collection is HERE!
Crazy Little Things I Love (II)
Crazy Little Things I Love (II)
Sumer Well Sadness
Sumer Well Sadness
My Favourite House on The Beach
My Favourite House on The Beach
Crazy Little Things I Love
Crazy Little Things I Love
HellO, Summer Well!
HellO, Summer Well!
I’m a Crime Series Addict!
I’m a Crime Series Addict!
Honey O. wants to travel. Here are his favourite destinations.
Honey O. wants to travel. Here are his favourite destinations.
Remember 1984?
Remember 1984?
Follow Me On The Silk Road!
Follow Me On The Silk Road!
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XI)
Unde ma simt ca in vacanta in Bucuresti (XI)
Postcards from Serbia
Postcards from Serbia
EXIT this way! It was MAGIC!
EXIT this way! It was MAGIC!
H&M For Every Victory!
H&M For Every Victory!
Liberte, Fraternite, Pepene!
Liberte, Fraternite, Pepene!
Relax. It’s Summer!
Relax. It’s Summer!
The WOW UAD Gala 2016! You rock, guys!
The WOW UAD Gala 2016! You rock, guys!
Do what you love. Follow your dream!
Do what you love. Follow your dream!
My Style Secrets on Prima TV!
My Style Secrets on Prima TV!
I know what I will do this Summer
I know what I will do this Summer
And Yet It Moves!
And Yet It Moves!
Fashion Days of Summer!
Fashion Days of Summer!
Home is Where the Love Is. And Pasta. And Peroni Piccola.
Home is Where the Love Is. And Pasta. And Peroni Piccola.
In Sea and Sun We Trust!
In Sea and Sun We Trust!
Guys, NN Cosmetics has something for us!!
Guys, NN Cosmetics has something for us!!
Happy 6th Anniversary, Molecule F!
Happy 6th Anniversary, Molecule F!
The Beautiful Story of L’Eau d’O.!
The Beautiful Story of L’Eau d’O.!
Pisa and Pasta and Molecule Tee
Pisa and Pasta and Molecule Tee
Time To Win A MINI!
Time To Win A MINI!
A Holiday By The Sea With Ioana Ciolacu
A Holiday By The Sea With Ioana Ciolacu
I’m in Sunglasses Heaven!
I’m in Sunglasses Heaven!
Are You Proud To Be Romanian?
Are You Proud To Be Romanian?