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This is how a Spring day should look like

This is how a Spring day should look like

Don’t say that spring has come until you can put your foot on nine daisies.

HellO, WOrld!

It’s snowing. Again! And I really don’t understand what happened with this crazy weather. Maybe she wasn’t informed that Spring has begun one week ago. Or maybe we should wait for the Equinox to be sure that we won’t see snow anymore.

Well, as you can see, Serban took me those pictures in a perfect springy day. Actually, it was the first day when I felt that Winter is almost gone, and I should change my wardrobe with a lighter one. So I put on my Patkaikin trousers and I went out.
You should know that I see myself as a reincarnation of Cristopher Columbus or Magellan, and that’s why I am addicted to explore. And if I’m not in holiday over seas, I have to explore Bucharest – a city which I really love, especially in a sunny day. #nottodaydefinitely
So I went right in the middle of The Old Town, at Curtea Veche (The Old Princely Court), I bought a tall Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks, and I had a look at Hanul lui Manuc (Manuc Inn’s), this amazing beautiful building, the oldest operating hotel in Bucharest. Usualy I’m not a fan of very touristic and popular places, but that bright sunny day it was the perfect one to fall in love again with Hanul lui Manuc. I’m sure that this building is hiding many interesting stories (it was opened in 1808!), so I started to dream with my eyes open at the time when this place was noisy and crowded , full with comerciants and shopping addicts. Because actually, Hanul lui Manuc was the first mall in Bucharest, with 15 wholesalers, 23 retail stores, 107 rooms for offices or living, two receiving rooms and a pub! Well, you should pay a visit here! It’s free entrance, and you can take some amazing pictures inside Hanul lui Manuc courtyard.
But not today. You should wait for the next perfect spring day. It will came soon.


The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers. 

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit: Patzaikin trousers available on Molecule-F, Patzaikin sunglasses, Marks and Spencer pullover and backpack, Camper shoes. 

„Nu spune ca a venit primavara, pana nu poti calca pe noua margarete” (proverb englez)

HellO, WOrld!

Ninge. Iar!!! Chiar ca nu mai inteleg ce se intampla cu vremea asta nebuna. A nins prima data in noiembrie, nu-i asa? Adica acum 5 luni! In curand o sa pot sa ma astept la ninsori in aprilie sau, de ce nu, in iulie! Cred ca Busu nu a anuntat Vremea ca a venit Primavara de o saptamana, altfel nu-mi explic. Sau poate trebuie doar sa astept Echinoxul de Primavara, ca sa fiu sigur ca nu o sa mai vad niciun fulg.. De zapada, desigur.

Oricum, dupa cum vedeti, Serban mi-a facut aceste fotografii intr-o splendida zi cu aer primavaratec. Atat de frumoasa, incat m-am decis ca trebuie sa trec la o garderoba mai usoara. Asa ca mi-am pus pe mine pantalonii cei noi de la Patzaikin si un pulover si am iesit sa ma bucur de soare.

Ar trebui sa stiti ca in mintea mea ma imaginez ca reincarnarea lui Cristofor Columb sau a lui Magelan, asa ca simt tot timpul un impuls incontrolabil de a explora locuri noi, sau vechi. Iar cand nu sunt in vacanta peste mari si tari, explorez Bucurestiul, pe care il gasesc in continuare teribil de fascinant, mai ales intr-o zi insorita. Azi nu, evident.

Asa ca am mers fix in buricul targului, la Curtea Veche, mi-am cumparat un Caramel Macchiato si am intrat in curtea Hanului lui Manuc, cel mai vechi hotel din Bucuresti. De obicei prefer sa ocolesc zona asta, pentru ca e intesata de turisti, insa de data asta am simtit ca e momentul perfect sa ma reindragostesc de  Hanul lui Manuc. Sunt sigur ca ascunde milioane de povesti (a fost construit in 1808!!), asa ca am inceput sa visez cu ochii deschisi la zilele in care curtea hanului era teribil de galagioasa, plina cu negustori si bucuresteni veniti la cumparaturi. De fapt, daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, Hanul lui Manuc a fost primul mall din Bucuresti: avea 15 magazine en-gros, 23 de magazine cu marfuri diferite, 107 camere – fie pentru birouri, sau pentru locuit, doua sali pentru receptii si evenimente si un pub! Asa ca daca ajungeti in zona, aruncati un ochi in curtea Hanului lui Manuc. Intrarea e libera, asa ca puteti sa faceti o multime de fotografii spectaculoase aici.
Insa nu azi. E horror. Asteptati sa vina Primavara cu adevarat. #spersavinaodata
