HellO, WOrld!
Ciao! I’m in love! I must say that Burano is breathtaking! I never experienced the same feeling since I’ve landed on the Greek island of Santorini. And that was ages ago!! Well, Burano doesn’t have the magnificent sunsets over the Egeean Sea, but it has all the colors of the world. All the houses on this tiny island are painted in a different color, so you can think that you felt in the rabbit-hole and you are now in the land of the crazy redhead Queen of Hearts. But it’s not true. You are in Burano. And the color of all the houses from here are choosed by the Government and nobody can color his house in a different color. Well, maybe it doesen’t look very democratic, but it brings here thousands and thousands of tourists everyday. And it’s a quite expensive island.
But who cares about the money when you are in such a wonderful place? To get there you can take the vaporetto from Venice, and you will be in Burano in almost one hour (Fondamente Nove is the closest station to Murano and Burano, so you will short your trip if you take the vaporetto from here). I recommend you to visit Burano in the afternoon, when the visitors are leaving and it’s not so crowded. You will be very soon facinated by the pitoresque and colorful streets and chanels that you will find here, the terraces, the restaurants and the small lace shops. Burano women became famous in the whole World starting with the XVIth Century because they create fabulous lace pieces, and that transformed the island in a very rich one. So, if you want a souvenir, you know what to buy from here. 🙂 Lace!
If you get tired, have a seat in a local trattoria. You will eat the best pizza or pastas ever! If you are on a diet, forget it. You are in Italy, for God sake! You have to eat everything: pizza, spaghetti, gelato, everything! Because it tastes like Heaven. #Godsendmeapizzarightnow #please
And don’t forget a local beer or a glass of wine. You won’t regret it. After that you can walk around and see the whole island – it won’t take you more than one hour, because it’s very very small. But you will have a big smile on your face all the time, because it’s soo beautiful! The cats, the old ladies chatting in front of their lovely houses, the leaning campanile of The Church of San Martino, the colors, the small boats, the white sheets exposed at almost every window, everything looks beautiful and pitoresque. And unique, because there is no other place on Earth like Burano. And I love it!
Well, I must admit that I choosed very well my outfit for my trip to Burano.I wanted something special, so I was very hapy to take with me my favorite items from the H&M Autumn Winter 2015 Collection. Yes guys, you can start to smile! It looks amazing!! And you can find it in shops starting with September 10th! It’s a very original collection, with many items that I can’t wait to wear! The jackets, the pull-overs, the trousers are wow! But this coat is absolutely fabulous! #loveartfirstsight Stay tuned and I will tell you more, soon!
Photography: Maria David
Hair Cut: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Coat, trousers and Tshirt from H&M Studio AW2015 Collection (available from September 10th on selected H&M stores), Ray-Ban Wayferer sunglasses, Bensimon sneakers.
HellO, WOrld!
Ciao! Da, m-am indragostit! La prima vedere, de Burano. N-am mai simtit asa ceva de cand am pasit pentru prima data pe superba insula greaca, Santorini. Iar asta a fost acum multi, multi ani! E adevarat, Burano nu are celebrele apusuri peste Marea Egee pe care le poti admira in Santorini, in schimb aici s-au adunat toate culorile lumii. Toate casele de pe aceasta insula pitica sunt colorate diferit, asa ca poti avea senzatia la inceput ca ai aterizat in tara roscatei regine de Inima Rosie din Alice in Tara Minunilor. Dar nu e deloc asa. Esti in Burano. Orasel unde culoarea fiecarei case este stabilita de catre Guvern, iar nimeni nu are voie sa o coloreze in alt fel. Poate parea cam nedemocratic, insa casele colorate aduc mii si mii de turisti pe aceasta insula, in fiecare zi. Si trebuie sa recunosc ca Burano nu e o insula prea ieftina.
Dar cui ii pasa de bani cand ajunge intr-un astfel de loc minunat? Drumul cu vaporetto din Venetia dureaza cam o ora, si eu iti recomand sa-l iei de la statia Fondamente Nove (cea mai apropiata de Murano si Burano). Un alt sfat pe care ti-l dau, e sa vizitezi insula dupa-amiaza, cand majoritatea turistilor incep sa plece. O sa eviti astfel aglomeratia si o sa te bucuri mai bine de frumusetea locului. O sa fi fascinat imediat de stradutele si canalele pitoresti, de terasele, micile restaurante si magazine de dantela. Da, femeile din Burano au devenit faimoase in intreaga lume in secolul al XVI-lea, datorita talentului lor de a croseta minunate piese din dantela. Asa ca daca ajungeti aici, stiti ce suvenir trebuie sa cumparati din Burano: dantela!
Daca vi se face foame, luati loc la una din terasele trattoriilor locale. O sa mancati cea mai buna pizza sau cele mai bune paste ever! Uitati ca sunteti la dieta! Doar sunteti in Italia, ce naiba! Trebuie sa mancati tot: pizza, spaghetti, gelato, tot! Sunt absolut delicioase! Si nu uitati si de berea locala sau de un pahar cu vin. Nu o sa regretati.
Iar dupa ce v-ati tras sufletul, puteti sa va continuati explorarea insulei. Nu o sa va ia mai mult de o ora, pentru ca Burano e chiar o insula mititica, insa veti fi tot timpul cu zambetul pe fata, pentru ca este atat de frumos aici. Pisicile pe care le intalnesti peste tot, batranele doamne ce stau la barfa in fata caselor, turnul inclinat al Bisericii San Martino, culorile caselor, barcutele adapostite pe canale, asternuturile albe lasate la uscat in dreptul ferestrelor, totul arata atat de minunat si pitoresc! Si unic! Nu ma mir ca m-am indragostit!
Trebuie insa sa recunosc ca m-am pregatit bine inainte pentru prima mea intalnire cu Burano. Imi doream sa am o tinuta speciala si de aceea am fost bucuros sa pot lua cu mine in bagaj piesele favorite din colectia Toamna Iarna 2015 a H&M. Colectia arata foarte bine! O sa o putem gasi in magazinele H&M selectionate, dar si online, incepand cu 10 Septembrie. Sunt o multime de piese in colectie pe care mi le doresc: pantaloni, camasi si multe tricotaje. Insa favoritul meu ramane paltonul camel. E de vis!
Ramaneti pe aproape si o sa va dau si mai multe detalii, in curand.