Hello, Summer kids!
Sunt putine locuri in care am ajuns in calatoriile mele in care sa ma fi simtit atat de bine ca in Ierusalim. Auzisem dinainte ca orasul are o energie speciala, ca lumina de aici e altfel, dar toate mi se pareau niste exagerari pana am pasit si eu pe stradutele din jurul Templului si am vazut pentru prima data, de undeva de sus, Zidul Plangerii.
I wear a Pas du Tout SS 2014 outfit, Birkenstock shoes, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses |
Nu sunt o persoana foarte religioasa, insa cred ca undeva acolo e ceva care ne influenteaza viata, o creatura sau o lege care ne guverneaza destinele. Ca se numeste Yahve, Mahomed, Dumnezeu, Buddha sau Iisus, asta nu stiu, dar cred ca nu are atat de mare importanta atat timp cat credinta noastra este una a iubirii si a acceptarii celuilalt. Si desi zidul asta a trecut prin atatea secole, schimbari politice, stapaniri de toate felurile si religiile, el a ramas un loc unde oamenii vin sa se roage. Iar tot zidul este intesat de biletelele lor, de dorintele unei lumi intregi care sunt sigur ca isi doreste mai binele. Ma indoiesc ca intre cele peste 1 milion de mesaje care sunt lasate anual la Zidul Plangerii, si care acopera orice crapatura din zid, sunt si unele pline de ura. Pentru ca tot ce am simtit eu acolo era iubire. Milioane si milioane de vise si ganduri adunate acolo, din toata lumea. Si care, spune traditia, se implinesc intotdeauna. Pentru ca iubirea invinge intotdeauna.
„Amor vincit omnia”.
Hello, Summer kids!
There are only few places where I got in my travels that I have felt so well as in Jerusalem. I had heard before that the city has a special energy, the light there is different, but all seemed to be some exaggerations until’ I stepped on the streets around the temple and saw for the first time the Western Wall.
I’m not a very religious person, but I think somewhere there is something that govern our destinies. That is called Jehovah, Mohammed, God, Buddha or Iisus, that I don’t know, but I think the name it’s not so important as long as our faith is one of love and acceptance of others. And although this wall went through many centuries, he remained a place where people come to pray. And all the wall is lined with their desires for a better world. I doubt that among the more than 1 million messages that are left annually at the Western Wall, and covering every crack in the wall, there are some hateful. Because all I felt there was love. Millions and millions of dreams and thoughts gathered there from all over the world. And that, says the tradition, always fulfilled. Because love conquers all.