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The Forest & The City

Amintirile mele din copilarie sunt pline de paduri. De livezi de meri si de visinii din curtea bunicilor.



Mai exista un nuc foarte batran, in care imi faceam vara casa si punct de observatie spre muntii Rodnei. Acolo ma indopam cu visine si asteptam sa se lase seara pentru a merge cu bunicul la izvor, de unde luam apa minerala. Pentru ca da, pe acolo, in fantanile oamenilor e apa minerala. Are un gust putin acrisor, de la fier, dar e si un pic acidulata.


Ana Alexe shirt available on Molecule-f, Zara suit, Converse sneakers, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses, iPod Nano watch

Asa ca in vacantele mele de vara, momentele cand scoteam cana plina cu apa din izvor si imi astamparam setea erau preferatele mele. La fel cum adoram plimbarea prin padure pana la izvor. Padurea careia ii simt enorm lipsa in Bucuresti, in care nici parcurile (atatea cate au mai ramas) nu pot sa-mi aline nostalgia asta de copil crescut langa padure. O padure pe care o port mereu cu mine, impreuna cu toate jivinele si pasarile salbatice adapostite in ea. Si pe care o las sa iasa la iveala doar din cand in cand. Dar ea e acolo, ratacind cu mine printre cladiri de sticla si beton, putin uimita si neregasindu-se intr-un oras prea putin prietenos cu natura. Insa tare mi-as dori ca lucrurile astea sa fie altfel, iar padurea mea sa-si gaseasca un loc. Si el sa se numeasca Bucuresti.


Proiectul Friday is in LOVE with O. e realizat in colaborare cu Molecule F

My childhood memories are full of forests, apple orchards and cherries from my grandparents yard. Also, there was a very old walnut transformed by me in my summer house,  and also I used it as an observation point for Rodna Mountains . I spent all days hiding in that old walnut tree, where I stuffed myself with sour cherries, expecting for the sunset. Because then, me and my grandfather started the journey to the magic spring from the forest. Actually, it was a mineral water spring. Because in that area you can find mineral water in peoples fountains. It tastes a little sour , because it’s rich in iron, and it’s a bit fizzy .So my favorite moments in every summer vacations , where the moments when I took the cup filled with water from the spring and quench my thirst. And I adored also the walk through the forest to find this spring. Forest whom feel enormous lack in Bucharest , where any parks (as many are left ) can not quench the nostalgia of a child that grew near the forest . A forest that I always wear , along with all beasts and wild birds housed in it. And I let her come out only occasionally . But the forest it’s there , when I wandered among the buildings of concrete and glass, from a city which is not very friendly with nature. Even if I would like things to be different, and to find my forest a home. And his home I would love to be called Bucharest.
The project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to romanian designers.

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio