„Lovers are like buses. You just have to wait a little while, and another one comes along.” (A Single Man)
HellO, WOrld!
Well, the holiday it’s over. I know (sad face). But the best thing is that the Summer season just started, and there are so many long weekends ahead, with crazy parties on the beach, amazing sunrises and great fun! And it’s gonna be the best Summer ever!
And now let me tell you a secret. Shhhh…and please, don’t share it with anyone.
Well, while you where on the beach last weekend, dancing at Sunwaves Festival, I had fun by myself, and I renamed a bus station from Bucharest. Yes, there is a new bus station in town, named The Stories of O. But why?
Few years ago I saw a movie, „A Single Man”, and in this movie there is a line, saying: „Lovers are like buses. You just have to wait a little while, and another one comes along.” I consider that is the same with all the opportunities in life: love, jobs, holidays, new projects… But before you decide to wait for the next one, first you must be sure that you are in the right bus station. Because it’s useless to wait for your 331, when you are in the 123 line station. And that’s why I take the matters in my own hand, and I create my own bus station. You know, after two years and 2 months of blogging, I thought that I deserve this. And in my bus station there are always new projects and opportunities on their way. And I’m happy that you joined me, and the number of friends waiting with me in the bus station is getting bigger and bigger. And I wanna thank you for that. Because of you, there are so many buses coming. We just have to wait a little while.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Diesel shirt and Diesel denim trousers, Musette shoes and Persol sunglasses, available in selected OPTIblu stores.
HellO, WOrld!
Gata, s-a dus si mini-vacanta. Stiu, e cam trist. Dar de fapt asta a fost abia inceputul sezonului, asa ca avem o vara intreaga inainte sa petrecem pe plaja cu prietenii, sa admiram rasarituri din mare si sa ne distram maxim. Sunt sigur ca va fi cea mai tare vara ever!
Iar acum o sa va spun un secret. Insa va rog, nu-l mai impartasiti nimanui, va rog sa ramana doar intre noi. Da?
Ei bine, weekendul trecut, cand voi dansati pe plaja la Sunwaves, eu ma distram de unul singur in Bucuresti, redenumind o statie de autobuz. Da, exact cum auziti. Acum exista statia The Stories of O. Dar ce m-a apucat, o sa va intrebati.
Nu m-a apucat nimic, doar ca acum cativa ani am vazut un film, „A Single Man”, iar in filmul asta este o replica ce suna cam asa: „Iubirile sunt la fel ca autobuzele. Trebuie doar sa astepti putin, si urmatoarea o sa apara la orizont.” Ei, eu cred ca in viata noastra nu numai iubirilor li se poate aplica aceasta teorie, ci e valabila si pentru joburi, proiecte, vacante etc. Numai ca, din punctul meu de vedere, inainte sa te decizi sa astepti urmatorul autobuz, cred ca e mai bine sa te asiguri ca esti in statia ccare trebuie. Nu de alta, dar degeaba astepti tu sa vina 331, cand tu esti pe linia lui 123. Asa ca eu am decis sa iau problema in propriile maini si sa infiintez statia de autobuz The Stories of O. Pana la urma, dupa 2 ani si 2 luni de blogging, meritam o statie de autobuz doar a mea, nu? O statie in care tot timpul vin noi proiecte si apar noi oportunitati. Si va multumesc ca asteptati impreuna cu mine autobuzul in statia The Stories of O., iar numarul vostru, prieteni, este din ce in ce mai mare! Pentru ca voi sunteti motivul pentru care atatea si atatea autobuze au oprit pana acum in statia The Stories of O. Si sunt multe, multe, care urmeaza sa vina. Trebuie doar sa asteptam un pic.
Va multumesc!