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The Best Christmas Ads 2015

The Best Christmas Ads 2015

HellO, WOrld!

Yes! Yes! Yes! It’s that time of the year, again! And it beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The TV commercials are more and more festive, and we are sudenly surrounded by fairies, snow men, candies, smiles and  many many red dressed Santas. Well, gingle bells, gingle bells, but we still have to wait more than 3 weeks till Christmas.  I know, that’s sad. But you can enjoy the best Christmas Commercials of this year. You can find my selection bellow, and it based on the  number of terrible grey cats, men on the Moon, kids, fairies, celebrities, and smiles included.


Sainsbury’s – Mog’s Christmas Calamity

Telekom – XMas Oferta

Marks&Spencer – The Art Of Christmas

Burberry  – Celebrating 15 Years Of Billy Elliot

John Lewis – Man On The Moon

Coca Cola – Give A Little Happiness

Vodafone – Spiridusul cladirii

H&M – Katy Perry Happy & Merry



P.S. Dear, Santa, this post is also for you. Because my list this year is quite big. I know. But I deserve all those gifts, believe me. I was a very, very, very good boy in 2015. I was a saint, actually. Trust me, Santa. I will adopt Mog, if you will bring me all the things I wrote on the list. And I’m not a cat person.

See you soon!


HellO, WOrld!

Da, da, da! E din nou perioada aia din an! Incepe sa arate din ce in ce mai mult a Craciun. Cel putin la televizor, de unde suntem inundati de imagini cu zane, brazi, oameni de zapada, zambete, acadele si multi, multi Mosi Craciuni imbracati in rosu. Leru-i ler si Gingle Bells, insa mai avem de asteptat mai bine de 3 saptamani pana la Craciun. Ufff, asta e o veste teribil de trista. Insa, pana atunci, am facut o selectie cu cele mai bune reclame de sezon din 2015, atat de la noi, cat si de pe ecranele altora. M-am bazat in alegerile mele din top pe numarul de pisici dezastruoase incluse in spot, si pe cel de zane, de vedete, de Oameni de pe Luna, sau pe cel de zambete. Sper ca o sa va placa ce reclame am ales.



P.S. Draga Mos Craciun, sper ca ti-ai dat seama ca postarea asta e si pentru tine. Stiu ca ti-am scris o lista lunga de cadouri anul asta, dar crede-ma, le merit! Am fost tare, tare cuminte in 2015. Chiar as putea spune ca am fost un sfant! Asa ca te rog frumos, adu-mi tot ce am scris acolo. Promit sa-l adopt si pe motanul MOG, daca faci asta! Si nu, nu sunt un mare iubitor de pisici, ba din contra. Sper sa te revad curand. Si sa nu uiti niciun cadou. Acum stii de unde trebuie sa le cumperi.