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The Beautiful Story of L’Eau d’O.!

HellO, WOrld!

I always imagine that one day I will have the chance to create my own perfume, my personal olfactive signature. I dreamed somehow at that moment since I read „Perfume”, the magic novel signed by Patrick Suskind. And in my dreams I knew how this perfume should smell, what kind of essences should be combined to complete the perfect notes of my creation. Of course, my perfume has nothing to do with crimes. But I was sure then that it should have something exotic, a combination of citrus fruits with the smell of the sea and a little bit of oud. And I was sure that this will stay like this, cause I’m not David Beckham or Antonio Banderas, to have my name on a bottle of a perfume.

Well, this was true untill one month ago, when I received an invitation from Beautik Haute Parfumerie. And then, at that event, everything changes. And I entered in the world of L’Atelier des Perfumes, a concept created by one of the oldest French perfumeries, Molinard. That seduced me last year with Amber Wood, one of their creations. But now, I have by my side the Molinard parfumeurs. And they helped me to create L’EAU D’O.! Of course, I chosed this name for my perfume!

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

For the top notes I chosed Eau Fraiche and Fleurs dÓranger, for the hearth, Fougere, and for the base note: Cardammon & Musc. And the result was fantastic! I loved it instantly!

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Of course, my friends from Molinard took my receipt and addapted it, and finally, they sent my perfume! And starting from that moment, my dream come true. And I’m soo happy!

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

Ovidiu Muresanu Molinard

You should know that starting with this September, you will have the chance to create your own perfume, like I did! Because Beautik Haute Parfumerie will bring to Bucharest this opportunity, and one expert from Molinard Creation will help you to make your personal olfactive signature, at L’Atelier des Parfumes. Isn’t it great?

I’m very curious what essences you will combine to create your perfume. And how you will name it?




Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio


HellO, WOrld!


Mi-am imaginat intotdeauna ca intr-o zi voi avea sansa de a-mi crea propriul parfum, propria mea semnatura olfactiva parfumata, care sa nu se mai regaseasca nicaieri in lume. Dar acest vis a devenit mai obsesiv dupa ce am citit „Parfumul”, romanul lui Patrick Suskind. Iar in visele mele stiam exact ce esente voi combina pentru a obtine notele perfecte care sa ma reprezinte cel mai bine, intr-un parfum. Desigur, parfumul meu nu avea ca ingredient crima. Insa stiam sigur ca trebuia sa aiba o aroma de flori de citrice, un miros de mare la apus si putina, foarte putina, esenta de oud. Eram  convins ca asta va ramane doar un vis frumos, pentru ca, nu-i asa, nu sunt nici David Beckham, nici Antonio Banderas, ca sa am numele inscriptionat pe o sticla de parfum.

Si totusi… in urma cu mai bine de o luna am primit o invitatie de la prietenii mei de la Beautik Haute Parfumerie. Iar de la acel eveniment, viata mea s-a schimbat cu totul. Pentru ca da, eram asteptat la L’Atelier des Parfumes, un concept inventat de cei de la celebra casa de parfumuri franceza Molinard. Ma indragostisem deja de creatiile lor inca de anul trecut, cand am facut o pasiune pentru Cher Wood, asa ca abia asteptam sa ii reintalnesc! Mai ales ca acum urma sa imi inventez propriul parfum, L’Eau d’O.! Putea sa se numeasca altfel? #noway

Asa ca am combinat o multime de esente, am testat o multime de arome, iar pana la urma am decis ca parfumul meu sa aiba ca note de varf: Eau Fraiche si floare de portocal, ca note de mijloc: Fougere, iar la baza, cardamon si mosc. Si trebuie sa recunosc ca miroase senzational!

Desigur, specialistii Molinard au prelucrat si interpretat reteta mea, astfel incat sa creeze un produs unic, pe care o sa-l port de acum incolo cu mine, tot timpul. Pentru ca L’Eau d’O. este parfumul meu! Si vestea buna este ca, din Septembrie, acest serviciu oferit de Molinard va deveni disponibil pentru oricine, prin intermediul celor de la Beautik Haute Parfumerie! Nu e asa ca e genial?

Eu abia astept sa-mi spuneti cum vreti sa miroase parfumul vostru. Si, mai ales, cum o sa-l numiti!


