„This ain’t nothing but a summer jam
We’re gonna party as much as we can.” (The Underdog Project)
HellO, WOrld!
I’m so happy today! And not because it’s the International Children’s Day, and my mom call me again to say „La multi ani! (yeah, she is still doing that, -thank you mama!), but it’s the Summer that starts today that makes me so happy and smiley. And where is the best place to start a nesw Summer in this city? At the best pool you can find here,
So, I take some of my favorite magazines, the sun lotion, the swim suit and here I am. At Aqua by Pescariu Sports&SPA, tanning my skin and drinking a lemonade to die for, made with strawberies and basil. Yep, it’s perfect!
After 4 days in the beautiful but not so warm Bavaria, I need some sun to recharge my bateries. And to make plans for this Summer, which I’m sure it will be full of amazing adventures, parties, new friends, old friends, fun, love and unforgetable moments. And because I’m, planning my next holidays, if you have some suggestions, write me. I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, so you will find a way to contact me 🙂
I wish you a Summer full with beautiful stories! I have some for you, so stay tuned!
Photography: Sebastian Florea
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Selected Homme cardigan, Topman trousers, Calvin Klein shorts, Birkenstock shoes, available in selected Help Net shops, Ray-Ban Wayfarer Denim special anniversary edition.
HellO, WOrld!
Azi sunt foarte fericit! Si nu pentru ca e Ziua Copilului, iar mama mea m-a sunat din nou sa-mi spuna „La multi ani!” (da, inca face asta, desi cred ca sunt un copil destul de mare acum – multumesc, mami!), ci pentru ca azi e prima zi de vara! Si unde as fi putut sa imi incep mai bine vara, daca nu la cea mai frumoasa piscina din oras?
Asa ca mi-am luat cu mine ochelarii de soare, lotiunea de plaja, shortul de baie si cateva din revistele mele preferate si am plecat la Aqua by Pescariu Sports&SPA, locul unde cred ca o sa ma mut cu totul vara asta, pentru ca ma simt senzational aici. O sa ma bronzez, o sa citesc si o sa ma delectez cu minunata limonada cu capsuni si busuioc, care e absolut perfecta.
Aveam nevoie de asta dupa cateva zile petrecute in frumoasa dar nu foarte calduroasa Bavarie, ca sa imi reincarc bateriile. Si cum sunt pus pe planuri de vacanta, va rog, daca aveti ceva sugestii pentru mine, sa-mi propuneti niste destinatii. Ma gasiti usor, pe Facebook, Twitter, Instagram si Pinterest. Asa ca astept mesajele voastre cu propuneri pentru noi vacante. Sunt sigur ca va fi o vara senzationala, cu multe petreceri, distractie, prieteni noi, prieteni vechi, iubire si multe momente de neuitat.
O vara asa cum va doresc si voua sa aveti! Plina de povesti frumoase! Mai am si eu catteva pentru voi, asa ca stati pe aproape.
Let’s start the Summer!