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Spring is in the air

In sfarsit a venit! Primavara, la ea ma refer.

H&M jacket & shirt S/S collection, H&M trousers, Aldo shoes, Patzaikin sunglasses

Am profitat de soare si am iesit in parc, la fel ca jumatate din populatia Bucurestiului. Pentru ca a fost un weekend senzational!
Dintr-o data, lumea s-a transformat, s-a colorat si s-a umplut de zambete. Pentru ca asta imi place cel mai mult la anotimpul asta, felul in care ne face sa fim mai buni si, implicit, mai frumosi. Scapam de hainele intunecate si groase si ne bucuram impreuna de lumina, de cer si de fiecare mugur verde rasarit in copaci. Si asta am facut si eu. Insa, pentru ca nu am mai avut rabdare pana cand toti pomii vor fi in floare, m-am gandit sa-i ademenesc cumva.

Asa ca le dedic o melodie:  Emilie Simon – Fleur De Saison. Versurile sunt in franceza, dar eu cred ca toti copacii sunt poligloti, pentru ca traiesc mult mai mult decat noi si au suficient timp sa invete o multime de limbi, chiar si limba pasarilor. Asa ca sunt sigur ca o sa inteleaga mesajul.

O saptamana minunata sa aveti!


 It‘s finally here! Spring, of course. Because I looove the sunny days, I went to the park, like half of the Bucharest population.
I realized that something magic happened overnight, because suddenly, the world turned from grey into a more colorful one. And its a world full of joy, where everybody smiles

That’s why I love Spring! It makes us better persons and thus more beautiful. Forget about dark clothes and enjoy the light, the ble sky and the green trees that surround us.

To all of them I dedicate this song: Emilie Simon Fleur De Saison.
The lyrics are in French, but I think all the trees are multilingual, because they live much longer than us and have enough time to learn a lot of languages​​, even the language of birds. So I’m sure they  understand the message.


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio