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Splendor in the grass

Maybe I’m a hopeless dreamer
maybe I’ve got it wrong
but I’m going where the grass is green
If you’d like to come along.

M12 striped jumper available on Molecule-F, H&M Conscious trousers, Zara shoes, Patzaikin sunglasses

Nu, nu va imaginati ca o sa incep sa bat campii azi. Sau nu mai mult ca de obicei. Si nici nu o sa fac o cronica a superbului film omonim, cu Natalie Wood si Warren Beatty.
Insa e vineri si nu pot sa nu ma gandesc la momentele de relaxare la care am visat toata saptamana. Pentru ca am avut o saptamana nebuna, recunosc, si simt nevoia urgent sa imi incarc bateriile, pentru ca altfel o sa ma transform intr-o bomba cu ceas. Cum o sa o fac? O sa stau cat mai mult la soare, ascultand cum creste iarba. Nici nu cred ca am nevoie de altceva.
Iar daca o sa ploua, nu-i nimic. O sa fredonez melodia celor de la Pink Martini pana va iesi soarele. Asa ca, in cazul in care o sa ma vedeti weekendul asta stand ca o soparla in iarba si privind in gol, sa stiti ce mi s-a intamplat. Nu e nimic grav. Chiar va invit sa luati loc alaturi de mine.

Pentru ca:

Life’s been moving oh so fast
I think we should take it slow
rest our head upon the grass
and listen to it grow.

Proiectul Friday is in LOVE with O. e realizat in colaborare cu Molecule F
Please, do not imagine that I start rambling today. Or no more than usual. And do not even imagine that you will find here a superb chronicle of the eponymous film with Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty.

No, not at all! But it’s Friday, and I can not think of moments I dreamed all week. Because I had a crazy week, I admit, and if I won’t charge my batteries during the weekend) I will explode like an  atomic bomb, a tsunami or something simmilar.  

How I plan to relaxt? No, I won’t go to a fancy SPA where to be spoiled all day long. No, not this weekend.  I’ll stay as long in the sun, listening to the grass grow. I do not think I need anything else.

And if it rains,it’s OK. I will humming the song from Pink Martini until the sun comes out. So if you will see me this weekend stand as a lizard in the grass and looking in vain, you will know what happened to me. So please do not call 112, it’s nothing serios. In fact, I invite you to sit with me and sing:

Life’s been moving oh so fast
I think we should take it slow
rest our head upon the grass
and listen to it grow.


The project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to romanian designers.

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio