„Put me in Summer, and I’ll be a happy Snowman!” (Olaf)
HellO, WOrld!
No, no, no! Don’t panic! It’s still me, freezing in Cismigiu and dreaming at the hot Summer days! Yeah, I lost my beard and I built a snowman. It was a close to freezing to death experience, but it was so much fun! Btw, when was the last time when you build your own snowman? Hmmm? Your own Olaf? Even if you hate Winter as much as I do, I think that sometimes you should leave your confort zone. Get out in the snow (not for deszepazeit your car, asta nu se pune), and be a kid for few ours. Start a snowball fight with your friends, make angels in the snow and create your own fashionable snowman. You will live some memorable moments with your friends or your beloved one, and you will start to love Winter. At least for few hours. After that you can be a Grinch again. But don’t forget, some people are worth freezing for. And the first one is you.
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: EXE trousers and Pas du Tout turtleneck sweater, available on Molecule F, Marks & Spencer coat, Scotch&Soda gloves, Dr.Martens boots.
HellO, WOrld!
Nu, nu, nu va panicati! Sunt tot eu! Doar ca sunt inghetat de frig in Cismigiu, visand la zilele alea de vara toride, cand se topeste asfaltul pe Calea Victoriei. E drept, am ramas fara barba si am facut un om de zapada. Shocking, isn’t it? Mai ales ca a fost cat pe ce sa ma transform chiar eu intr-unul, la minus 15 grade cate erau afara. Dar trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am distrat super bine. Si ca mi-a lipsit asta. Btw, voi cand ati facut ultima oara un om de zapada? Un Olaf? Hmm? Sa stiti ca si daca urati iarna la fel de mult ca mine, cateodata e bine sa iti parasesti zona aia de confort in care te simti atat de bine incat incepi sa te identifici cu ea. Fa o schimbare. Iesi in zapada (nu ca sa-ti deszapezesti masina, asta nu se puune), si incearca sa fii din nou copil pentru cateva ore. Ia-ti prietenii in parc si incepeti o bataie cu bulgari de zapada, faceti ingerasi (tot in zapada), sau ridicati un om de zapada. O sa radeti cu gura pana la urechi, o sa va inghete toate alea, dar o sa traiti niste momente memorabile, numai bune de impartasit cu toata lumea pe Snapchat, Facebook sau Instagram. Va spun eu ca o sa incepeti sa iubiti iarna. Macar pentru cateva ore. Apoi puteti sa redeveniti iar niste Grinch nesuferiti. Dar nu uitati, ca sa-l parafrazez pe Olaf, unii oameni merita sa ingheti pentru ei. Iar primul dintre oamenii aia esti chiar tu.