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Singing in the Rain

HellO, WOrld!


What a glorious day! Isn’t it? Press HERE and let’s sing!

I’m singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin’
I’m happy again
I’m laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun’s in my heart
And I’m ready for love!

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Ovidiu Muresanu February

Why I’m so optimistic today? No, not just because the rain comes and I have not forgotten my umbrella at home.:)

I am very happy that O My Love TShirt is such a big hit among lovers. And for that I want to thank you! So, if you wish to make a surprise to your beloved one, you can find it exclusively in the Molecule F Concept Store, on the 1st floor of the Promenada Mall, or online, on Molecule F shop and Skin Deep. Share the LOVE, Wear my LOVE!

I started working on a new project with a new designer! It will be something sensational, and I can’t wait to reveal what it is! Stay close, spring will be full of surprises from me!

My friends are great! Laura, Tibi, Andrew and George will run this weekend at Los Angeles Marathon in benefit of Hospice Casa Sperantei Foundation. Yes, they chose to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day this way, showing us that love means also compassion and caring for those who suffer and who fight with incurable diseases. And you can join them by donating HERE in the benefit of the foundation or redirecting 2% of your income tax.

I love the new Pepsi comercial! Yes, I’m a nostalgic and this advertising makes me remember the New Year’s Eve and Birthday parties from my childhood, when the greater joy was to drink Pepsi together with my friends. Back then, Pepsi was our only link with the West and with America, a country that seemed from another planet those days. Some things changed a lot since then, but Pepsi remains the same.

And there is one thing that makes me smile today. I realized that if you are strong enough to follow your dream, people will follow you.




Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio 

Outfit: Scotch&Soda jumper, Calvin Klein shirt, Zara trousers, Us Polo Assn boots, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses.


HellO, WOrld!

Mai intai de toate, apasati AICI. Apoi haideti sa cantam impreuna cu Gene Kelly:

I’m singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin’
I’m happy again
I’m laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun’s in my heart
And I’m ready for love!

De ce sunt atat de optimist astazi? Nu, nu doar pentru ca vine ploaia si nu mi-am uitat umbrela acasa.

Sunt foarte fericit ca tricoul O My Love are asa mare succes in randul indragostitilor. Iar pentru asta vreau sa va multumesc! Daca doriti sa faceti si voi un cadou deosebit in luna iubirii, il gasiti in exclusivitate in Molecule F Concept Store, de la etajul 1 din Promenada Mall, sau online, pe Molecule F si pe site-ul Skin Deep.

Am inceput sa lucrez la un nou proiect, cu un nou designer! Va fi ceva senzational, si abia astept sa va dezvalui despre ce este vorba! Stati pe aproape, primavara va fi plina de suprize din partea mea!

Am niste prieteni minunati! Laura, Tibi, Andrew si George vor alerga in weekend la Maratonul din Los Angeles, in beneficiul fundatiei Hospice Casa Sperantei. Da, ei au ales sa sarbatoreasca iubirea, de Valentine’s Day, in acest fel, aratandu-ne ca iubirea inseamna si compasiune si grija fata de cei aflati in suferinta si care lupta cu boli incurabile. Poti si tu sa li te alaturi, donand AICI in beneficiul fundatiei sau redirectionand 2% din impozitul pe venit.

M-am indragostit de noua reclama Pepsi! Da, sunt un nostaligic si reclama asta asta mi-a adus aminte de revelioanele si de petrecerile de ziua mea din copilarie, cand bucuria cea mare era sa golim lada de Pepsi de care facea tata rost, cu ajutorul unor „pile”. Nah, asa era pe vremea aia, iar Pepsi era singura legatura a noastra cu Occidentul si cu America ce parea atunci pe alta planeta. Ah, si mai era perechea mea de Levi’s, primita de la o matusa din State.

Ah, si mai e ceva care ma face astazi sa zambesc. Am realizat ca daca ai destul curaj sa-ti urmezi visul, oamenii te vor urma.

