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Paris London Pipera

HellO, WOrld!


Yeeey, after 15 years of hard working I ended up in Pipera!  I’m a corporatist, a company guy! It was’nt actually my dream, but you know, life is full of surprises. So, here it’s me, one of the blue or black suits who are questioning themselves every morning: Should I take the metro, or should I drive to Pipera? Yup, that’s a challenge every day for thousands and thousands of people. We get there and after that we meet at La Arteziana, or at HP eatery. And definitely at Starbucks, for a coffee. I feel like I’m on another planet when I’m there, or at least in another country, because Pipera doesn’t look like Romania at all. Excuse my ethusiasm, but I’m there only for two weeks, and I’m still fascinated by this place. Of course, I’m getting lost every day on my way to the parking area, so please, help me, if I ask you for directions. It looks like a brand new big city for me, so please understand me. For God’s sake, you even have Mega Image there!

Ovidiu Muresanu Spring

Ovidiu Muresanu Spring

Ovidiu Muresanu Spring

Ovidiu Muresanu Spring

Ovidiu Muresanu Spring

Well, maybe it’s not a magic place, and in one year this excitement will dissapear, but till then, let me enjoy this moment. But first, I have to check my agenda.

Right now I’m on the plane, on my way to Paris, where I will attend the launch of the new QLed TV, by Samsung. And of course, I will make some photos there, because, you know, it’s Paris. And Paris is always a good idea. On Thursday I will be back to Pipera. And to Starbucks. I have some meetings and two events to attend. But on Friday I will be on the plane again, but this time, I’m flying to London. You, I’ve been told you already that I will see Sergei Polunin live, at Sadler’s Wells Theatre. HERE are some details about the show. I can’t wait to see it. Well, I’m sure I will have time to make some photos in London, so I hope to find new spectacular places to show you.

See you on Monday! In Pipera!





Photography:  Alexandru Rosieanu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit:H&M suit, available soon in H&M stores, Musette shoes, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses.