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On The Sunny Side Of The Street

On The Sunny Side Of The Street

„Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street!”

HellO, WOrld!

I have something for you. On this grey Friday, I give you a song to cheer you up. You can can listen it HERE.

And after that, you can start enjoy your weekend, even if the weather outside is frightful. #grrrrr

How can you do that?
Read a beautiful book, like „The Two Gentlemen of Brussels” and enjoy a cup of tea in your bed.
Sort your old holiday pictures. I’m sure you have tones of them. That will make you smile, I can guarantee that.
Watch an old time classic movie – Singing in the Rain it will be the perfect choice. I really love it!
Cook something  for your friends, and invite them for a Sunday brunch.
Dance by yourself in the middle of your living room on a disco hit from the’80’s: Walking  on Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves will cheer you instantly, and you will totaly forget the winter.


The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers. 

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit: Sophia33 Coat, available on Molecule-F, Zara jacket & trousers, H&M shirt, Converse sneakers, Illesteva sunglasses.

HellO, WOrld!

Am o surpriza pentru voi. De fapt e un mic dar din partea mea, ca sa va faca sa uitati un pic de vremea asta ingrozitoare si gri. E un cantec ce sper sa va ridice moralul, cat de cat. Il puteti asculta AICI.

Si dupa asta, puteti incepe sa va bucurati de weekend, chiar daca iarna se pare ca are de gand se ne enerveze zilele astea. Cum puteti face asta? Am niste sfaturi pentru voi:

Cititi o carte frumoasa, cum este „Cei doi domni din Bruxelles„, in timp ce stati in pat si savurati o ceasca cu ceai.
Faceti ordine in fotografiile vechi din vacante. Sunt sigur ca aveti mii de poze, iar de multe dintre ele sunt sigur ca ati uitat. Va pot garanta ca o sa zambiti cand o sa va vediti cum aratati acum 5 ani in vacanta din Grecia. Sau din Vama Veche, dupa caz.
Uitati-va la un film vechi, un clasic de la Holywood, cum ar fi „Singing in The Rain„. E perfect pentru vremea de afara, iar eu  il ador!
Gatiti ceva pentru prieteni (stiu, o sa fie o surpriza uriasa ca faceti asta  – ai mei ar avea cel putin un soc) si invitati-i la Brunch, duminica.

Dansati de unii singuri in mijlocul sufrageriei, pe un hit disco din anii ’80. Poate fi Walking  on Sunshine de Katrina & The Waves sau, de ce nu, Buna seara, iubito, al Loredanei. O sa va schimbe starea de spirit instantaneu si o sa uitati imediat de vremea teribila de afara.
