HellO, WOrld!
I am in a philosophical mood today.
Of course, you know how much I love to travel. And this passion of mine its not related only to the beautiful, breathtaking places wich I discover in every holiday, no! I love to meet people and discover different civilisations, cultures and ways to see the World. That is the true beauty of my my adventures. And this send you to my first sentence of this post. Because today I invite you to discover the peaceful and friendly town of Nuremberg. A place where the certainty of „LOVE always wins” sentence is more brighter then everywhere in the World. And when I say LOVE, I meant PEACE.
Nuremberg was one of the most affected city by the World War II, being almost totaly destroyed by the strategic bombing of the Allies. More then 6.000 inhabitans of the city died then. Before that, Nuremberg was the city chosen by the Nazi to held their National convensions. It was the most important city of the Nazi propaganda, were Hitler was leading the Nuremberg rallies . And hundreds of years ago, the city was the unoficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire. And again, in that era, the jews suffered many massacres, and a marketplace was build over the former Jewish quarter. With such a tragic history behind, Nuremberg, which was rebuilt after the war, looks now like the most peaceful and beautiful place on Earth. The imperial castle is there, surrounded by beautiful gardens, the Old Town will tempt you with traditional restaurants where you should try the famous Nuremberger Bratwurst or the local beers. Everything looks beautiful and you can’t imagine that in fact, all this old houses in castles were rebuilt in the past 50 years, following the original plans. Winding alleys with pitoresque building fronts will lead you to the main market square with itssteeply gabled houses built from sand stone. These are the same houses and buildings that Albrech Durer imortalized in hos drawings. And you will encounter his heritage anywhere you go to this town.
Even though Nuremberg is Bavaria’s second largest city, it has preserved its typical Franconian coziness. Of course, now it’s more cosmopolitan and visited by thousand of tourists, because is very peaceful and friendly.
In the end, LOVE always wins. And when I say LOVE, I meant PEACE.
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers.
Photography: Sorin Rusi (Airlinestravel.ro)
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Pas du Tout jacket and trousers available on Molecule-F, Diesel shirt, Adidas Superstar sneakers, H&M sunglasses, Zara backpack.
HellO, WOrld!
Azi sunt intr-o usoara dispozitie filosofica. Mda, ma mai apuca din cand in cand, mai ales cand imi amintesc cat timp a trecut de cand am terminat facultatea de Filosofie si inca nu stiu la ce m-a ajutat faptul ca am citit Critica Ratiunii Pure a lui Kant. Ma rog, am invatat niste cuvinte in germana, dar nu cele care sa ma ajute in scurta mea vacanta in Bavaria.
Anyway, banuiesc ca v-ati prins deja ca imi place enorm sa calatoresc. Insa de ce imi place? Nu, nu doar ca sa postez niste fotografii superbe pe Facebook, Instagram si Pinterest in timp ce voi sunteti la birou. De fapt, marea bucurie a calatoriilor mele mi-o aduce intalnirea cu oamenii locului, carora imi place sa le ascult povestile, si asa, sa cunosc alte viziuni asupra lumii, sa descopar alte civilizatii si credinte. Iar astazi v-am invitat in frumosul si pasnicul oras Nurnberg. Oras unde sloganul „DRAGOSTEA invinge intotdeauna” pare mult mai veridic decat oriunde in lume. Si cand spun „Dragoste”, ma refer aici la PACE.
Nurnberg a fost unul dintre cele mai afectate orase in cel de-al doilea Razboi Mondial. Aproape 95% din centrul sau vechi a fost pus la pamant in urma bombardamentelor Aliatilor. Circa 6.000 de locuitori au murit atunci. Cu cativa ani inaite, Nurnberg a fost desemnat orasul simbol al ideologiei naziste, aici fiind organizate toate marile manifestatii ce-l aveau ca personaj principal pe Hitler. Iar cu alte cateva sute de ani inainte, cand Nurnberg era capitala neoficiala a Sfantului Imperiu Roman de Apus, populatia evreiasca a orasului a fost masacrata, iar pe fostul lor cartier a fost construita o piata. Piata unde sunt realizate pozele de mai sus.
Chiar si cu o istorie atat de tragica, Nurnberg arata acum ca unul din cele mai linistite si prietenoase orase de pe planeta. Nu prea iti vine sa crezi ca a fost aproape in totalitate distrus si ca ideologiile (politice sau religioase) au ucis atatea mii si mii de oameni in orasul asta Pentru ca acum, la Nurnberg, e PACE. Centrul sau vechi a fost reconstruit in totalitate, dupa planurile originale, castelul Imperial se afla in continuare pe stanca din centrul orasului, iar pe stradutele din oras te asteapta nenumarate restaurante ce te imbie cu faimosii Nurnberger Bratwurst, dar si cu si mai cunoscutele beri fabricate traditional. Sunt aceleasi cladiri pe care faimosul pictor Albrecht Durer le picta in urma cu sute de ani. Doar ca au fost reconstruite, dupa planurile originale. Si desi este al doilea cel mai mare oras din Bavaria, Nurnbergul isi pastreaza inca sarmul unui orasel dintr-un alt secol. Desigur, este in acelasi timp foarte cosmopolit, iar mii de turisti il viziteaza zilnic. Pentru ca e atat de linistit, prietenos, pasnic si primitor.
Pentru ca in cele din urma Dragostea invinge intodeauna. Iar cand spun Dragoste, in acest caz, ma refer la PACE.
Eu am ajuns in Bavaria la invitatia Organizatiei Germane pentru Turism. Revin in curand cu celelalte aventuri din orasele Nurnberg si Coburg.