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My English Summer

Hello, Summer kids!

A venit momentul sa va povestesc si despre singura ora din vacanta mea la Londra in care a plouat. Poate n-as fi facut asta, daca din momentul in care am revenit din vacanta, la Bucuresti ar fi fost o vreme atat de indaratnica . Si am ajuns deja la jumatatea verii, pe care, sincer sa spun, inca nu pot spune ca am simtit-o in vreun fel pana acum.
Asa ca au mai ramas doar vreo 6 – 7 saptamani estivale, dupa care gata, vine toamna si ne luam adio de la vacante. Ma rog, majoritatea dintre noi.

Marks & Spencer shirt & trousers, Enzo Bertini shoes, Illesteva Leonard sunglaasses

De aceea, ca sa rezist unei noi zile mohorate si ploioase in Bucuresti, o sa ma teleportez mental in Mayfair, selectul cartier londonez unde chiar si pe vreme urata nu ai cum sa nu te simti fericit. Bine, poate ca nu par chiar asa incantat, dar asta doar pentru ca nu am reusit sa fac fotografiile in timp ce afara ploua. Cum sa mergi la Londra si sa nu faci nici macar o poza pe ploaie? Ei bine, pana am iesit din hotel, singura ora de ploaie de care am avut parte in vacanta mea la Londra, s-a terminat. #norainnogain


Acum cred ca am regretat atat de mult ploaia aia, incat Cineva isi rade de mine si am parte de ploi non-stop. Ma rog, voi va amintiti de vreo vara la fel de ciufuta ca asta? Eu NU!! And I LOVE Summer!!! I really do! Si uite, daca nu plecam la Londra, unde a fost teribil de cald, nici nu as fi zis ca a mai venit pe undeva. Vara, desigur.

Anyway, daca nu stiati, there are less than 200 days til Christmas. Poate o sa avem mai mult noroc cu iarna. #iarnanuicavara


Hello, Summer Kids!

Today I will tell you about another experience that I had in my holiday in London. Maybe I haven’t mention it, if the weather here were more friendly. But since I came back, it was raining almost all the time, so my nerves are on edge now, cause I can’t stand this weather anymore! For God’s sake, we are in the middle of Summer! And I just LOOOVE hot summer days!! I really do! Anyone? Up there?

Well, turning back to London, I wanted to show you today some pictures that Serban made me in a rainy morning. Yes, in the only hour of rainy weather that occurred during my holiday. Well, as you can see, even if I was in Mayfair, one of the most selected and relaxed neighbourhood of London, I don’t look happy. And not because of the rain. Noo! Because I really wanted to have some pictures taken while it was raining (how to come back from London without any pictures made in a grey, foggy or rainy day – Well, it happened to me!). The one hour rain stopped exactly when I went out from the hotel. #norainnogain 


So, probably I regretted so much that rain, that God is now having fun out of me, sending me storms and rainy clouds almost everyday. Well, I hope you understand that is a joke and I’m not responsible for this shitty weather. It could be the Global Warming. 
Even if think that it looks more like a Global Cooling.

Anyway, if you don’t not know, there are less than 200 days til’ Christmas. Maybe we will be more lucky with the winter. Or maybe not. 



Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio