HellO, WOrld!
What a great year I had! I couldn’t imagine one year ago that I will have so many amazing and fabulous memories, and all af them started with this blog.
It’s the first year anniversary for The Stories of O.!#meproudandhappy
Let’s celebrate with a retrospective of all the great moments that I had in 2014! Because it was a hell of a ride!
I flight over 20.000 km, on three continents, I’ve met hundreds of wonderful people, I started a blog, a real one, I was designated The Gentleman of The Year at GAIA Awards, I became one of the coolest trendsetters and featured in Forbes Magazine, in the special edition of Top 100 Cool Brands, as the Dapper 3.0. And I learned to surf!
I got my own column on AndreeaRaicu.ro, and, as my tribute for the Romanian Designers, you can meet me every Friday on Molecule-F.com. Also, starting from December, I am a contributor on Intel iQ.
I hosted a Casa di Peroni private dinner and I was invited by Atelierele Ilbah to be a guest speaker at one of their Fashion class, talking about men’s style. I’ve met Aida Ashor, the Barman of the year in Romania, and I was one of the hosts at the #partyforhistory, together with the famous Eddie Tatham.
I was featured on visuell.ro and on paravion.ro blog. I’ve met Diane Pernet, one of the most famous fashion bloggers worldwide, and I was one of the #eclecticguestcurators, last Summer.
I was invited by Noemi Meilman from placerileluinoe.ro, to be part of her wonderful project,
Book Cover Tee, so I designed a special wearable cover together with my good friend, Cristina Stanciulescu, with the helping hand of Liviu Mihai, my talented painter friend. I started to train with Alex in the park, after nine years of gym addiction, I planted a tree and I cleaned up and renovated a child home, with Mai Mult Verde.
I was invited to appear in The Speakers latest music video – Fashion along with some of the coolest and fashionable personalities from this country. I discovered Prague, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the beautiful island of Tenerife, and I revisited London and Istanbul, two of the most fascinating cities in the world.
I had the pleasure to work with many clients this year, to create beautiful special projects, and I want to thank you all for believing in me and in The Stories of O. I’m sure this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and I’m very grateful that you are by my side, and you encouraged me to follow my dream.
I want to THANK YOU all for your amazing support and for the good vibes that you send to me.
It was a very good year, and it was because of YOU!
I have some beautiful stories to tell. Amazing stories, naughty stories, stylish, inspiring and wonderful stories. Stories about people I love, places I love and things I love. Because, in the end, all the good stories are stories about LOVE.
Stories that you can read now on The Stories of O.