HellO, WOrld!
Yup, this Tshirt is a globetrotter. Actually, I take him always with me in my holidays, because I’m very proud to wear Romanian Designers creations, even if I’m in Italy, or in Cappadocia. And last year, if you remember, I traveled a lot!
And now I’m packing my stuff for new adventures, because next week I will visit Paris, and after that I will go to London. And of course, this tshirt will come with me.
If you want to show the World that you love Romanian Designers, like I do, you can find the Molecule F tee HERE. Wear it proudly!
HellO, WOrld!
Pentru ca tocmai imi fac bagajele pentru saptamana viitoare, cand o sa ajung la Paris, iar apoi la Londra, mi-am dat seama ca in calatoriile mele plec mereu insotit de Molecule F Tee! Asta pentru ca eu sunt foarte indragostit de creatiile designerilor romani, si ma bucur sa le port cu mandrie, fie ca sunt in Italia, sau in undeva in Cappadocia. Sau in Australia, sau in Tenerife.
Asa ca foarte curand ma va insoti pe Champs Elysees, dar si cand imi voi bea cafeaua la Tate Modern, pe terasa, de unde ai panorama cea mai frumoasa asupra Londrei.
Daca vreti si voi sa spuneti lumii intregi ca sunteti mandri sa purtati creatiile designerilor romani, puteti gasi tricoul Molecule F Tee AICI, dar si in Molecule F Concept Store din Promenada Mall.