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Me & Marlon – The Last People On Earth

Me & Marlon – The Last People On Earth

Sunt unele zile in care te trezesti cu sentimentul ca ceva teribil s-a intamplat si ai ramas unicul supravietuitor al speciei umane. Printr-un miracol, desigur.


Venera Arapu top, Vintage Biker jacket, H&M trousers, Polaroid sunglasses, iPod Nano watch, Jai Dam bracelet, Dr. Martens boots

Asa mi s-a intamplat si mie astazi, dar din fericire, speranta moare ultima.  Iar cum filmele americane ne invata ca intotdeauna exista o echipa bine antrenata de catre CIA, FBI, MI5, NASA si, sper eu, SRI & SPP, nu-mi ramane decat sa ies sa explorez imprejurimile, pentru a vedea cum se prezinta situatia dupa sfarsitul lumii, asteptand sa fiu gasit.
Desigur, am pregatita deja o tinuta pentru o asemenea ocazie. Iar cum Robinson Crusoe l-a avut pe Vineri sa-i tina de urat, iar Tom Hanks pe Wilson, eu il voi avea pe Marlon. Marlon Brando.
Atata doar imi doresc, ca pe sefa echipei de salvare sa nu o cheme Stella. Stella, din „Un tramvai numit dorinta„.


There are some days when you wake up with the strange feeling that something terrible happened last night and you are the only survivor of the human race. By some miracle, of course.
But hope dies last. And as American movies teach us that there is always somewhere a well-trained team of CIA, FBI, MI5, NASA and, I hope, SRI & SPP, I just have to go out to explore the surroundings and see how it shows the situation after the end of the world, waiting to be found.
Of course, I already prepared an outfit for such an occasion. And as Robinson Crusoe had his Friday to keep him company, and Tom Hanks had his Wilson, I’ll have my Marlon. Marlon Brando, of course. And my only hope is that the rescue team boss isn’t named Stella. Stella, as in „A Streetcar Named Desire.”


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio