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Me & BLU, Just Us Two

Iarna nu-i ca vara. Clar. Iar BLU stie cel mai bine asta, pentru ca a stat inconjurat de niste munti de zapada timp de 2 saptamani. Iar pentru o masina asa de frumoasa, sa stai locului atata timp si sa nu iesi pe strada sa socializezi, e ingrozitor.

Andra Andreescu trousers, Pull&Bear sweatshirt. Scotch&Soda shirt, H&M hat, ALDO shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses

Ca si pentru mine, de altfel. Dar ce sa fac, daca singurele unelte de deszapezit masina de care dispun sunt o periuta de unghii si un card? Hmmmm?? Pentru ca la mine nu a venit nicio zana buna peste noapte, sa-mi aduca o lopata galbena, asa cum i-a adus lui Morodan (dupa cum puteti vedea AICI).. Nu, nicidecum. Si desigur, Ana a iesit intr-o rochie de catifea si inarmata cu lopata magica a reusit sa deszapezeasca toata strada. Dupa cum banuiti deja, contesa locuieste in alt cartier (scuze, am vrut sa spun in alt palat). Asa ca pe strada mea nu a ajuns, iar BLU nu a avut ce face si a murit de plictiseala doua saptamani.

Nici nu mai aveam curaj sa imi privesc masina cand treceam pe langa ea, sincer. Dar sambata, vazand eu suferinta si tristetea din ochii lui BLU, mi-am pus UGG-urile si am hotarat ca asa nu se mai poate. A iesit soarele, e mai cald, eu am ceva muschi (doar v-am spus ca sunt un gym freak), asa ca trebuie sa fac ceva si sa-i curm chinul. Si am reusit! L-am eliberat pe BLU!!

OK, fotografiile sunt de acum o luna, cand eu si BLU eram fericiti si nu ne imaginam ca iarna nu-i ca vara.


Winter is not like summer. Definitely. And BLU knows that best because she was surrounded by mountains of snow for 2 weeks. And for a beautiful, amazing car like she is, to stay so long in one place, and not going out on the streets to socialize, it’s terrible!
As for me, though. But what to do, if the only tools that could help me to remove the snow are a nail brush and a credit card? Hmmmm? And I don’t have a good fairy to came overnight and bring me a yellow shovel as earned Morodan (as you can see HERE). No, not at all. Of course, Ana managed to remove the whole snow from his street dressed in a velvet dress, and armed with the magic showel. But she didn’t came on my street. Because, you know, the countess lives in a different neighbourhood. Sorry, I wanna say a different castle.
So, BLU almost died of boredom for two weeks. All this tme I had no courage to look at my car, honestly. But on Saturday, seeing the sadness from BLU eyes, I put my UGG boots and I decided that I should do something!! And I did it! I released BLU!

OK, pictures are taken a month ago, when me and BLU were happy and we couldn’t imagined that winter is not like summer.


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio