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Love Actually…

”I’m looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.” (Carrie, in Sex & The City)

HellO, WOrld!

All we need is Love. And Gin. And Tonic. This is what Ana Morodan will say on this topic. But not all the girls are like the countess. In fact, she is pretty unique in this beautiful city were all live.

But where is the LOVE? There are 2 Million people in this city and over 7 Billion in the World.
Even so, it’s terribly complicated to find the right one. With millions of possibilities, most of the time I found myself alone on a Friday evening. And most of my friends are in the same situation. Single and fabulous, they say. Fabulous, maybe. But not forever.

We have so many possibilities in this virtual world of The Internet, where millions of people like us are looking for their half, but, at the end of the day, only few lucky ones are goind for a real date. So, the best thing to do is to start to learn how to love ourselves.

But how can we do that? There are FIVE easy steps:

1. Listen what your feelings are teling you.
2. Choose to be around loving people.
3. Take care of your body, your time, your finances and your space.
4. Find the work you love.
5. Keep balance in everything.

 In the end,  „the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” (as Carrie said in SATC).


The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers. 

Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit:  Sisley jacket, Venera Arapu digitaly printed top – available on Molecule-F, Calvin Klein shirt, Bigotti tie,  Zara trousers, US Polo boots, Polaroid sunglasses.

HellO, WOrld!

All we need is LOVE. And Gin. And Tonic. Stiu ca asta ar spune Ana Morodan despre subiectul asta. Dar nu toate fetele sunt ca minunata noastra contesa. Ba din contra. Pentru ca ea este unica si irepetabila.

Dar unde este Dragostea? Sunt peste doua milioane de locuitori in orasul asta si mai bine de 7 miliarde pe intreaga planeta. Insa este ingrozitor de greu sa-ti gasesti jumatatea. Chiar si cu milioane de posibilitati la dispozitie, de cele mai multe ori ma regasesc Vineri seara, singur. La fel ca majoritatea prietenilor mei. Singuri si fabulosi, spun ei. Fabulosi, poate. Dar nu pentru totdeauna.
Desi putem explora nesfarsite variante in lumea virtuala a Internetului, unde zeci de platforme de socializare isi ademenesc victimele ce isi cauta ursitele/ursitii, numai foarte putini dintre noi sfarsesc prin a avea o intalnire in lumea reala. Ca atare, mi-am dat seama ca cel mai bun lucru, cel putin deocamdata, este sa incepem sa invatam sa ne iubim pe noi insine.

Dar cum putem face asta? Cum sa invatam sa ne iubim?
In 5 pasi simpli:

1. Asculta mai bine ce iti transmit sentimentele tale. Asculta-ti inima, asadar.
2. Alege sa te inconjori numai de oameni dragi.
3. Ai grija de corpul tau, de timpul, de banii si de spatiul tau.
4. Gaseste-ti un loc de munca pe care sa-l indragesti.
5. Pastreaza echilibrul in toate.

In cele din urma, „cea mai importanta, spectaculoasa si care iti va aduce cele mai multe provocari, este relatia pe care o ai chiar cu tine insuti. Iar daca vei gasi pe cineva care sa iubeasca dragostea ta pentru tine, atunci totul va fi, intradevar, fabulos.”(Carrie, in Sex and The City).
