Bine, cred ca stiti deja ca nu suport iarna. Zapada cu atat mai putin.
Patzaikin denim trench, trousers, shirt and sunglasses, Bowtique bowtie and pocket square (all available on Molecule-F or at EVA Design Romanesc store), Clarks shoes |
E OK, poate sa ninga 3 zile, de Craciun si atat. In rest, niciun fulg. Cam cum s-a intamplat iarna asta, cu exceptia faptului ca cele 3 zile de ninsoare nu au fost de Craciun (God, asta nu mi-a placut deloc).
Ei bine, dupa 3 saptamani de ploi, frig si ceata, acum as vrea sa ninga! M-am saturat de gri. Vreau un pic de alb, daca alte variante nu sunt. Nici nu-mi vine sa cred cat de happy eram, de incepusem sa imi iau zborul prin Piata Universitatii. Asta desi in jurul meu era zapada. Adica materia aia pe care nu o suport. Dar imbracat in tinuta Patzaikin, pe un soare bland, iarna nu mai parea chiar atat de teribila.
In concluzie, postul asta ar fi trebuit sa se numeasca Ou sont les neiges dantan?
With love,
Well, you already know that I can not stand winter. And I’m not happy to see snow either.
Maybe just three days around Christmas, but that’s it. Like what happened this winter, except the fact that those three days of snow were not on Christmas holiday (God, something that I didn’t like it at all).
Well, after three weeks of rain, cold and fog, now I would like to see some snow! I’m so bored! Every day is a gray day. That’s why I want a bit of white, if there are no other options. I do not believe how happy I was, it the shooting day, that I almost started to fly like a butterfly in University Square. Even if I was surrounded by tones of snow. But dressed in Patzaikin, on a sunny mild winter day, it was quite a beautiful experience.
In conclusion, this post should be named Ou sont les neiges dantan?
The project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to romanian designers.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio