„I live the american dream
You are the best thing I’ve seen,
You are not just a dream.” (Madonna)
HellO, WOrld!
I never been to America. It has been just a dream of mine, that I will cross one day the Atlantic and I will discover The New World. But I’ve been always fascinated by her young spirit, her wild heart. By her beauty. But now, somehow, America decided to came more closer. Probably she get bored waiting for me, so she sent me her most amazing messenger. A fashion brand. Forever 21. And it cames straight from Los Angeles, California.
Probably that’s why it’s so succesfull. Because Forever 21 gives you freedom, and that’s translated in a fabulous style. You can be anyone you want, pick whatever trend suit you, because you will find your perfect outfit in a Forever 21 shop. Everytime! And here is the great news: FOREVER21 is officially opening his first shop in Bucharest, on September 3rd, in the brand new “PARKLAKE” Mall. And I can’t wait to discover it, because it’s one of the most fresh, inventive and affordable, yet elegant brand I ever worn! And I love the fact that this brand came everyday with new collections, giving you the chance to be fashionable forever. And what else you can ask from a fashion brand?
I tell you now: Nothing! Because if you want to be the coolest guy in town, and to feel the real freedom, now it’s your time! FOREVER21 opens its gates on September 3rd in PARKLAKE, where the first 300 in line at 10 am will get a free 50 RON shopping gift card!
Live your American Dream! And be there!
See ya!
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Forever 21 outfits, Illesteva and Dior sunglasses, Emporio Armani and Musette shoes.
„I live the american dream
You are the best thing I’ve seen,
You are not just a dream.” (Madonna)
HellO, WOrld!
Nu, nu am ajuns niciodata in America. A fost tot timpul un vis frumos, in care imi imaginam cum o sa traversez Atlanticul si o sa descopar Lumea Noua. Pentru ca am fost mereu fascinat de spiritul sau mereu tanar, de inima sa salbatica. De frumusetea sa. Dar uite ca acum America s-a hotarat sa vina ea mai aproape. Si, probabil plictisita sa ma tot astepte, mi-a trimis un mesager. Unul senzational, pentru ca este vorba de un brand de moda: Forever 21. Da, care vine direct din Los Angeles, California.
Un brand care are un succes fenomenal tocmai pentru ca reflecta perfect spiritul american. Forever 21 iti ofera libertate, iar asta se reflecta intr-un stil senzational. Poti sa fii oricine iti doresti, poti sa alegi orice trend ti se potriveste, pentru ca intr-un magazin Forever 21 iti vei gasi outfitul perfect. Intotdeauna! Iar pe 3 Septembrie, Forever 21 isi deschide primul magazin in Bucuresti, chiar in Park Lake, mall-ul cel mai nou din oras! Si abia astept sa-l descopar, pentru ca Forever 21 este unul din brandurile cele mai dinamice, inventive, accesibile, dar si elegante pe care le-am purtat. Este un brand de fast fashion exclusiv, care da, se inspira din moda strazii si ofera tinute de calitate la preturi accesibile. Si ce iubesc eu cel mai mult la Forever 21? Faptul ca in fiecare zi isi innoiesc colectiile, asa ca ne ofera sansa sa fim mereu fashionable! Si ce altceva iti poti dori de la un brand de moda?
Va spun eu acum: Nimic! Iar daca vrei sa fii cel mai cool baiat din oras, acum e momentul tau! Pentru ca Forever 21 deschide portile primului sau magazin pe 3 Septembrie, la Park Lake Mall, iar primii 300 de cumparatori care vor fi acolo la 10 dimineata, vor primi un voucher de cumparaturi de 50 RON, cadou! Asa ca ce mai astepti?
Live your American dream! Ne vedem acolo!