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Let’s paint the town!

Da, daca tot sarbatorim Dragobetele si nu am reusit sa o facem lata de Valentine’s Day, atunci eu zic ca azi e ziua perfecta pentru marturisirea dragostei.

Isabel Marant pour H&M sweater & scarf, Zara jeans, Dr.Martens boots, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses, iPod Nano watch, Folli Follie bracelet

Va indemn sa ocupati orasul, sa nu lasati nicio strada, alee, trotuar, restaurant, parc, bar, terasa, zid (real sau virtual) neatinse de suflul asta al iubirii. Inimioare, declaratii, cadouri si dedicatii, totul in numele Dragobetelui si al dragostei. Pentru ca oricum mai sunt doar cateva zile si vine Martisorul, cand va trebui sa o luam de la inceput si sa sa redecoram orasul numai in alb si rosu.
Ceea ce inseamna ca vine in sfarsit primavara! Iar asta e cu adevarat o veste buna!
Doar stiti cat de mult imi place iarna, nu-i asa?


Yes, today we celebrate the Dragobete (which is the Romanian correspondent of Valentine’s Day). So this Monday is the perfect day for declarations of love. That’s why I urge you to ocuppy the whole town and do not let any street, alley, sidewalk, restaurant, park, bar, terrace or wall (real or virtual) untouched by this breath of love. Hearts, statements, gifts and dedications, all in the name of Dragobete and love. Let’s paint the town today! Because there are only few days til’ the celebration of Martisorul, when we have to start again and redecorate the city in red and white only.  
Anyway, that means that finally the spring is coming! And this is really good news! 
Because you know how much I hate winter!!


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio