„We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” (Oscar Wilde)
HellO, WOrld!
I know, the weather outside looks like shhhhhh..it. I know and I hate it. But I’m in a very gooood mood today, cause I will make a photo shooting for a very special and great project that I’m plannning for few months now. So, I’m very excited this morning. And I know that, somewhere, over the grey clouds, the Sun is shining! And the birds are singing. (No, I’m not on Prozac today). I’m just excited, excited, excited! But, be patient, in one week, everything will be revealed!
But, till then, let me share with you some of my favorite quotes from Oscar Wilde, that could help you alot in your future life. You can treat them as personal mantras, as I did:
„Create yourself. Be yourself your poem.”
„You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
„Life is too important to be taken seriously.”
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Total look Pas du Tout AW2015 Collection, available on Molecule-F, Balmain for H&M sneakers, H&M sunglasses.
„Suntem cu totii in sant, dar unii dintre noi privim catre stele.” (Oscar Wilde)
HellO, WOrld!
Grrrrr…vremea asta de afara arata ca oribil. O urasc! Insa chiar si asa, azi sunt super fericit! Asta pentru ca o sa fac o sedinta foto super importanta, pentru un proiect la care lucrez de cateva luni de zile, asa ca va dati seama ca sunt mega emotionat! Oh My God, sper sa iasa totul bine! Sunt teribil, teribil, teribil de emotionat, asa ca va rog sa-mi tineti pumnii! (Nu, nu sunt pe Prozac, daca cumva ati ridicat din sprancene). In mai putin de o saptamana o sa va deconspir despre ce e vorba. Mai aveti putina rabdare.
Oricum, pana atunci, o sa impartasesc cu voi citatele mele preferate din Oscar Wilde, ce va pot ajuta nespus de mult in viata. Asta daca le urmati ca pe niste mantre personale, asa cum am facut si eu:
„Creaza-te pe tine insuti. Fii propria ta poezie.”
„Nu poti fii niciodata mult prea bine imbracat sau mult prea educat.”
„Viata e mult prea importanta pentru a fi luata prea in serios.”