HellO, WOrld!
Life can be completely absurd sometimes. Like the weather. We are in August, but if you step outside, or just look through the window, you will be convinced that you wake up after a very long sleep, in the middle of October. And that’s not fair! It’s windy, cold and grey, and it doesn’t look at all like a Summer day. I know, two weeks ago I was complaining about the terrible heat, when I was walking on the melted sidewalks on Calea Victoriei, when there were 40 degrees.
So, I think we should do something to convince the weather to keep a little balance. Maybe, this way, we will be more zen. And relaxed. Look at the Greeks. Or at the Eskimos. They look soo calm and serene, almost all the time. And I guess their temper is influenced by the weather. The Greeks have that „je m’en fiche”. They are are always zen, like the famous Zorba. And the Eskimos are always smiling and rubbing their noses. And now, look at us. We look like the grumpy cat, or the grumpy dwarf. All the time.
So, let’s do something to bring the sun back. Let’s sing and dance. And wear flowers. And smile. And dance again.
We can do that.
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers.
Photography: Sebastian Florea
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Claudia Castrase top, available on Molecule-F, Energie jeans, Converse Chuck Tailor All Stars sneakers, Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses.
HellO, WOrld!
Stiu, viata poate fi complet absurda unori. Ca si vremea, de altfel. Uite, suntem la jumatatea lui August, dar daca iesi in strada, sau doar daca te uiti pe fereastra, o sa ai senzatia ca ai dormit foarte foaaaarte mult, si te-ai trezit in Octombrie. Iar asta nu e deloc normal. E prea frig si gri pentru o zi de vara! Si vantul asta, ce e cu el? Da, recunosc, acum doua saptamani ma vaitam ca e mult prea cald, cand ma plimbam pe Calea Victoriei iar trotuarele se topeau sub cele 40 de grade de afara. Insa chiar asa, sa trecem dintr-o extrema in alta?
Cred ca ar trebui sa convingem vremea sa fie putin mai echilibrata. Poate asa o sa fim si noi mai sereni si mai echilibrati. Mai zen. Uitati-va la greci sau la eschimosi. Ei par tot timpul teribil de relaxati. Parca nimic nu-i apasa, nu au nicio grija. Sunt sigur ca temperamentul lor este influentat de vreme, mult mai stabila decat clima „temperata”de la noi. Grecii au acel „je m’en fiche”. Sunt tot timpul zen, ca si celebrul lor Zorba. Iar de eschimosi ce sa mai zic! Sunt tot timpul zambitori si isi freaca nasurile unul de altul. Iar noi? Noi aratam ca Grumpy cat sau ca Piticul Morocanos. Tot timpul.
Asa ca hai sa facem ceva, ca sa aducem vara inapoi. Sa dansam si sa cantam. Sa purtam ceva inflorat. Sa zambim. Si sa dansam din nou.
Sunt sigur ca o sa reusim.