HellO, WOrld!
Yes, the kids are back to school. I guess you’ve noticed the horrible traffic. So, now you have to be more careful while you are driving. Because gropile are still there, thousands and thousands of potholes all over Bucharest, and nobody fixed them miraculously over the weekend. Nooo, Primaria it’s busy with more important stuff. Like sleeping. Or planting very vary very expensive trees and panselute. Well, we are living like in the Wild West. A Century ago. And we have to learn to survive. And to stay calm in traffic. So, my sugestion is to sing. It’s a very good therapy against nervosity and anger. Like we learned from „Anger Management” movie. Instead of starting our days hating every other driver and the crazy traffic, we should smile and start to sing:
„I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn’t me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It’s alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I’m real”
Or we can walk on the way to the office. This can be a great opportunity to discover more „Priveste cerul…” graffitis and make some nice Selfies with them. Or you can try a funny video with Princess Margaret stencils for your Snapchat fans. Or you can take a bus. Or the metro. But don’t forget to sing…
I feel pretty
Oh so pretty…
Photography: Sebastian Florea
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Total Look H&M Studio Spring/Summer 2016 Collection, available in selected stores since February 25yh. Italia Independent sunglases, available in OPTIblu stores, and Converse sneakers.
HellO, WOrld!
Uff, s-a terminat vacanta si copiii s-au intors la scoala. Cred ca v-ati dat si voi seama de asta, dupa traficul oribil din dimineata asta. Asa ca acum trebuie sa fim si mai atenti cand conducem. De parca miile si miile de gropi de pe strazi nu erau deja suficiente. Si nu, ele nu au disparut in mod miraculos in weekend. Nu, sunt tot acolo. Peste tot. Pentru ca Primaria pare ca are multe alte lucruri importante de care sa se ocupe. Cum ar fi plantarea unor copacei sau panselute exhorbitant de scumpe. Da, parca am trai in Vestul Salbatic, nu intr-o capitala europeana. Asa ca trebuie sa ne adaptam si sa invatam sa supravietuim. Si sa reusim sa ramanem calmi in trafic. Insa eu am o propunere. Hai sa cantam! Da, asa cum am invatat din filmul „Anger Management”. In loc sa ne incepem ziua cu nervii intinsi la maxim si injurand toti soferii din trafic, pietonii si traficul, ar fi mult mai funny si mai terapeutic daca am zambi si am incepe sa cantam cu totii:
„I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn’t me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It’s alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I’m real”
Sau, ca sa scapam de trafic, am putea merge pe jos la birou. Asa am descoperi ca au mai aparut niste graffiti cu „Priveste cerul…” prin oras. O super ocazie de a ne face niste selfie-uri de invidiat. Sau, de ce nu, chiar niste video-uri haioase pentru Snapchat. Orice varianta ai alege insa, nu uita sa canti:
I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty…