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L’Amour Toujours L’Amour!

L’Amour Toujours L’Amour!

„Un amour qui n’a pas le sentiment d’etre eternel, n’a jamais commence.” (Andre Frossard)


HellO,  WOrld!


Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Remember THIS? When SIRI was so convinced that I’m looking for LOve in all the wrong places? Well, it seems that she has right, considering that after 9 months, I’m still looking for the same thing. Like we all do. Anyway, today I’ve found the secret place where the love is hidden. Yes, it was right there, all this time. But you know, it was too popular and „so clichee”, that I could’t see it. #mestupidsmug

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Ovidiu Muresanu LOve

Luckily, the Spring came with Martisor and the beautiful blooming trees, and everything looks now more prepared for LOVE. Actually, all nature is craving for LOVE. So, where is she?

Right there, on the stairs of Ateneul Roman. You can see it too. Even if she’s hiding. But you know, sometimes LOVE finds you right when you lose your hope. And probably it won’t be exactly what you expected. Because in LOVE there are no rules, like you can find reading Alain de Botton latest book: „The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping and a Novel„, or watching the strange and breathtaking movie: „A Bigger Splash„, by Luca Guadagnino. Or better, love, and you will find that.





The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers


Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Irina Marinescu Tshirt & Ana Alexe trousers, available in Molecule F Concept Store, in Promenada Mall, BALMAINXHM coat, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses, Adidas Superstar sneakers


HellO, WOrld!

Va amintiti ASTA?  Cand SIRI imi spunea ca eu caut iubirea numai in locuri gresite? Ei bine, se pare ca a avut mare dreptate, atata timp cat dupa 9 luni inca o mai caut. Asa cum facem toti, de fapt. Dar astazi am gasit locul secret unde se ascunde. De fapt, nu e niciun secret, era chiar sub nasul meu, in tot acest timp. Numai ca mnah, mie nu imi placea locul, fiind mult prea popular si cliseistic. Asa ca l-am ocolit. #mestupidsmug

Noroc ca a venit Primavara, cu Martisor cu tot, cu superbii copacii infloriti,  iar acum toti parem mult mai pregatiti pentru dragoste. De fapt, toata natura tanjeste, dupa atata frig si ceata, dupa iubire. Dar unde s-a ascuns?

Exact, am gasit-o chiar acolo, pe scarile Ateneului Roman. Puteti sa o vedeti si voi, daca treceti in weekend prin apropiere. Chiar daca pare ca se ascunde. Insa vezi, cateodata dragostea te loveste chiar cand te astepti mai putin. O gasesti in cele mai neasteptate locuri si este cu totul altfel decat te-ai asteptat. Pentru ca in dragoste nu exista reguli, asa cum o sa afli daca citesti cel mai recent roman al lui Alain de Boton: „Sex, Shopping si un Roman”, dar si vizionand filmul „A Bigger Splash”, de Antonio Guandagnino. Insa cred ca e mult mai bine sa descoperi asta chiar pe pielea ta. Iubeste.

