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La Vita e Bella!

Hello, Summerkids!

Poate ca vara nu a inceput in cele mai bune conditii si vremea urata isi mai face de cap, dar eu sunt deja super entuziasmat de lunile care urmeaza! Miroase deja a vacanta, oamenii sunt mai relaxati si atunci arata mult mai bine, chiar si Bucurestiul pare super insufletit in aceste zile, iar eu imi fac o multime de planuri de vacanta.

I wear Emporio Armani sweater, Zara trousers, Armani Jeans sneakers, Emporio Armani fur backpack, Illesteva sunglasses

Cu bagajele aproape gata pentru incursiunea la Londra, urmata de cateva zile pe plaja din Tel Aviv, luna Iunie pare sa imi pregateasca o multime de intamplari frumoase. Despre Londra v-am scris deja cat de mult imi place (puteti citi AICI detaliile), insa la Tel Aviv ajung pentru prima data. Am auzit ca e superb! (Daca aveti ceva recomandari, va rog sa-mi scrieti urgent!)
Iar dupa ce o sa ma rasfat pe acel mal al Mediteranei sper sa ajung apoi in sudul Italiei, pentru ca mi s-a facut dor de aerul de dolce farniente, de prosecco, de gelatto si de pizza napoletana adevarata.
Am atat de multe de vazut vara asta!  I definitely love Summer!

The Mantra of this summer: La Vita E Bella!


Perhaps this Summer has not started in the best conditions, but I’m already super excited for the coming months! The Holiday season has begun, the people are more relaxed so they look much better, and even Bucharest seems more animated  those days, with all the terrases and the parties everywhere. That’s why I started to make some plans for the next holidays.
The first one will be in London, next weekend, a city that I love so much! And after that I will go to Tel Aviv, for the first time,  and I’m so excited! I heard that it’s a fabulous city, with a crazy nightlife and amazing beaches!
And my holidays are not over, cause after I will spoil myself on the Eastern side of Mediteranean Sea, I will go to Italy,  because I miss their dolce farniente way of life. And of course,  al the glasses of prosecco, the gelatto, and the famous napoletan pizza. 

I have so much to do this Summer! I love it!

The Mantra of this summer will be: La Vita E Bella!


 Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio