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La Vita E Bella!

HellO, WOrld!

HellO, rainy Monday! Keep your clouds and raindrops away from me, because you won’t change my mood. Yes, I’m still celebrating The Stories of O. Anniversary!

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

Ovidiu Muresanu Bow TieOvidiu Muresanu Bow Tie

That’s why I wanted to make a remake of my first photoshooting posted on my blog two years ago, with Serban. You can find it HERE. As you can see, nothing has changed. I’m still me. But there are some little differences. This time, I’m wearing my own collection of bow ties and cufflinks!

Yes, I couldn’t imagined two years ago that so many fabulous things will happen to me. But now I know. If you really believe in your dream, and you work hard, you can conquer the World. Or, at least, you can have your own bow tie collection (LOL). And the best thing is that this is just the beginning. Many more will follow!





Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio


HellO, WOrld!

HellO, ploioasa zi de luni! Poti sa-ti tii norii si stropii de ploaie departe de mine, pentru ca nu o sa-mi schimbi zambetul asta de pe fata. Ma simt foarte bine, si asta pentru ca inca mai sarbatoresc aniversarea lui The Stories of O. Iar pentru asta am decis, impreuna cu Serban, fotograful meu, sa facem un remake al primului shooting pe care l-am facut pentru blogul meu, si pe care il gasiti AICI. Dupa cum vedeti, nu s-a schimbat nimic, doar sunt tot eu. Ma rog, aproape nimic, pentru ca, de data asta, port un papion si butoni din propria mea colectie! Colectia The Stories of O., realizata impreuna cu prietena mea, Madalina Spirleanu, si pe care o gasiti AICI.

Da, nu mi-as fi imaginat acum doi ani ca mi se vor intampla lucruri atat de minunate! Si da, acum stiu. Daca ai incredere in tine, iti urmezi visul si muncesti foarte mult, poti sa cuceresti lumea! Sau, cel putin, poti sa ai propria ta colectie de accesorii (LOL). Iar ce e cel mai tare in toata povestea asta, e ca ea e abia la inceput! Ce e mai bun, abia acum urmeaza! Stati pe aproape!

