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Keep Calm, Wear a Bow Tie. The Stories of O. Bow Tie.

„Wearing a bow tie is a statement. Almost an act of defiance.” (Rick Caplan)


HellO, WOrld!


I’m so happy today! And I have a very good reason to be like this, because I’m launching a new bow tie collection! Let’s call it the Spring edition of The Stories of O. bow ties, created together with my talented friend, Madalina Spirleanu. So, you don’t have to worry anymore this Spring, cause I give you now the perfect accessories for your most exquisite nights.

Ovidiu Muresanu BowtiesOvidiu Muresanu BowtiesOvidiu Muresanu BowtiesOvidiu Muresanu BowtiesOvidiu Muresanu BowtiesOvidiu Muresanu Bowties

I’m so excited about this new collection!  Every bow tie is unique! And I love the colors: blue is my favorite one, of course, but every bow tie is beautiful! You will rock every party wearing them, looking like a true gentleman!  Especially if you combine the elegant bow tie made of silk, with a pair of personalised cufflinks, from the same collection. A velvet tuxedo jacket, a pair of  black sunglasses and a James Bond attitude, will transform you in the star of the night. Even if we talk about a dinner at the palace, an exquisite party, a fabulous wedding or a date with a Princess (the princess of your heart, of course).

The best thing about those bowties is the fact that they have two sides, one made of silk, and the other one, on Egyptian cotton, so you can wear them in different combinations. You can choose to accessorise with The Stories of O. bowties your evening cocktail or black tie outfit, or you can use the other side of the bowtie in a legere combination. It’s your choice! But now you can have a bowtie 2 in 1! And because they are handmade, there is no other similar bow tie in the world. Your’s is unique, and you can find the whole collection on Madalina Spirleanu website, in The Stories of O. section. Together with the personalised cufflinks (yes, you can write your initials on them) and with the silky square pocket you will have all the accessories you need for a perfect evening.

Be a gentleman. Wear a bow tie! You will have much more fun.





Photography: Claudiu Berechet
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: The Stories of O. bow tie and personalized cufflinks, available HERE, Hamaki-Ho tuxedo jacket, Monocult shirt, Zara trousers, Enzo Bertini shoes, Saint Laurent sunglasses, available in selected OPTIblu stores.


HellO, World!

Sunt atat de fericit astazi! Da, am un motiv foarte bun sa fiu asa, pentru ca azi lansez colectia de primavara a papioanelor The Stories of O., impreuna cu talentata mea prietena, Madalina Spirleanu. Asa ca primavara asta nu mai ai niciun motiv sa spui ca te-a prins nepregatit, pentru ca eu iti ofer acum accesoriile perfecte cu care sa iti asortezi serile cele mai senzationale din acest sezon.

Da, sunt foarte entuziasmat, mai ales ca, asa cum v-am obisnuit, papioanele The Stories of O. sunt unice. Nu veti mai gasi un altul la fel in intreaga lume. Iar culorile pe care le-am ales acum imi plac foarte mult – desigur, nu lipseste albastrul, culoarea mea preferata, insa toate combinatiile de culori din colectie arata senzational.

Cu astfel de accesorii vei deveni vedeta oricarei petreceri selecte, pentru ca te vor transforma intr-un veritabil gentleman. Mai ales daca vei combina papionul din matase cu o pereche de butoni personalizati, din aceeasi colectie semnata de mine. Daca mai adaugi si un tuxedo, o pereche de ochelari de soare si o atitudine de James Bond, vei deveni sigur starul petrecerii. Chiar daca vorbim de o cina la palat, de o petrecere exclusivista, de o nunca fabuloasa, sau de o intalnire cu o Printesa (evident, ma refer acid la printesa inimii tale).

Cel mai bun lucre lucru la papioanele The Stories of O. este ca au doua fete, cea din matase, pe care o poti alege pentru serile elegante, cu dress code black tie sau cocktail de seara, si cea din bumbac egiptean, pe care o poti aborda pentru o tinuta mai lejera. Asa ca ai un papion 2 in 1! Si pentru ca sunt hand-made, nu o sa gasesti altul la fel nicaieri. Papionul tau este unit si poti sa-l gasesti in shop-ul online al Madalinei, in sectiunea Stories of O.  Impreuna cu o pereche de butoni personalizata (da, iti poti scrie propriile initialele pe perechea ta de butoni) si cu o batista de matase vei avea accesoriile perfecte pentru cea mai sofisticata seara. Iar eu ma bucur ca pot sa ti le ofer.

Fii un gentleman! Poarta papion! O sa te distrezi mult mai bine!


