Vine ploaia, bine-mi pare!
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Boco Fashion trench, Massimo Dutti shirt, Zara cardigan, Energie jeans, Andra Andreescu leather bowtie, Patzaikin sunglasses, Converse sneakers |
O vreme romantica, numai buna pentru ratacit pe stradutele din Centrul Vechi, asa cum mi s-a intamplat mie in weekend. Strada Postelor, Strada Franceza sunt colturi minunate de Bucuresti ce ascund nenumarate bijuterii arhitecturale. Asta e, mie imi plac casele vechi, strazile linistite ce nu au fost invadate de mastodonti de beton si sticla. Stiu, avem nevoie si de aia, dar sa stea in cartierul lor, nu sa strice putinele zone din oras ce mai respira istorie si ne spun povesti. Ce poveste iti poate spune un bloc rece de beton? Niciuna. Iar noi toti avem nevoie de povesti frumoase. Eu asa cred.
O saptamana minunata sa aveti!
It rains in March? Of course!
But this is the perfect weather to discover the small streets from the Old Town of Bucharest, which are hiding many architectural wonders. Like the beautiful houses that you can find on Franceza & Postelor streets. I love the old houses, the quiet streets that have not been invaded yet by the ugly buildings made of concrete & glass. And I know that we need thiem also,,.but please keep them in their neighborhood. It’s important not to ruin the few areas in the city that still breathes history and tell us beautiful stories. Because what kind of story can tell you a cold concrete block? None. And we all need beautiful stories. That’s what I think so.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio