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Here & Now. I have a plan!

September, 8th

Calories eaten: 1.343

Calories needed: 2.452

Cigaretes: 5 – 3 of them, iQos heat sticks

Alcohool: 0

Coffee: 2

Sex: 0

Steps: 3.236

Sport (gym, jogging, yoga, or something similar): 0

Cat: 1, Honey O.



HellO, WOrld!


Yes, I have a plan. Nope, of course I’m not Bridget Jones. But maybe because I’ve heard that she will be back on screens after..yep, too many years and too many wrong esthetic surgeries, I decided that it’s about time to change something in my life. Like she did, but I hope my choices will make me look better. That’s why I made yesterday some new years resolutions, or whatever you want to call them. Next Monday it’s my birthday, so it’s a good moment to start something, to change something in my life or to announce a new Tshirt.

Ladies and Gents, my first resolution, Here & Now, just before my birthday, is:

Let’s gain some weight!

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

Ovidiu Muresanu Here

I have only 63 kilos now, and I hope I will get to 67 till January. Of course, I need more muscles. So I will be a mighty gym rat, I will die pushing and lifting weights, and I will eat more. Yes. Much more! *Chocolate!*Ice Cream! *Cheesecakes! Nom Nom Nom!

But I wasn’t so sure that these are the best choices for keeping me healthy and fit. That’s why I downloaded, for the first time in my life, a Calorie Counter App. Right in my iPhone 6S. Not 7. Yet.

I LOve THIS crazy app. Not only that it’s counting everything I eat, every step I make, but it’s counting also how much water I drink. Or prosecco. Or rose wine. Or whiskey. Thank God that it’s not counting my sex life. Because it’s zero.

According to MyNetDiary I have to eat everyday 2.452 calories from now till January. And I have to go at least five times a week, at the gym. And I will need to work with a personal trainer. Or two.

O.My God, I love technology! It will change my life! But till then, I will be back with more resolutions, soon. And I will keep this journal.





Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Marina Moldovan – Here & Now Tshirt, available in Molecule F Concept Store, in Promenada Mall, H&M trousers, Birkenstock shoes, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses.


HellO, WOrld!


Gata, am un plan. Desigur, nu sunt Bridget Jones. Insa am auzit ca revine pe ecrane dupa…multi multi ani si multe operatii estetice gresite, si mi-am zis ca ar fi momentul sa schimb ceva in viata mea. Ceva care sa ma ajute sa arat mai bine, desigur. De aceea, ieri am facut o lista de rezolutii, sau cum vreti voi sa le spuneti. De care am de gand, foarte clar, sa ma tin. De altfel, luni e ziua mea, asa ca e momentul perfect sa schimb ceva in viata mea, sa incep un proiect nou, sau sa lansez un tricou.

Asa ca, Doamnelor si Domnilor, chiar Aici si Acum, iata prima mea rezolutie de ziua mea:

Voi pune niste kilograme pe mine. De muschi, desigur.

Am doar 63 de kilograme acum, asa ca mi-am pus in cap sa ajung la 67, pana in Ianuarie. Asta inseamna ca o sa merg la sala ca un nebun, o sa ridic si o sa imping greutati pana o sa-mi dau sufletul, si o sa mananc enorm. *Ciocolata! *Inghetata! *Cheesecake! Miam Miam!

Well, degeaba m-am extaziat cand am inceput sa vad numai Ben&Jerry’s si macarons in fata ochilor, pentru ca e clar ca nu din astfel de alimente o sa-mi iau eu muschii. Asa ca am descarcat, pentru prima data in viata, o aplicatie care numara caloriile, direct in telefonul meu iPhone 6S. Da, inca nu e 7. Mai astept un pic.

Aplicatia ASTA e geniala! Clar! Deja m-am indragostit de ea, desi o am abia de o zi. Nu numai ca numara toate caloriile din mancare, toti pasii pe care ii fac, paharele de apa, dar si cele de prosecco, de vin rose, sau de whiskey. Bine ca nu numara si partidele de sex. Oricum sunt zero. Deocamdata.

Oricum, stiu ca trebuie sa mananc 2.452 calorii in fiecare zi, de acum pana in Ianuarie. Si ca trebuie sa merg de cel putin 5 ori pe saptamana la sala. Si ca va trebui sa-mi iau un antrenor personal. Sau doi.

O. My God, ador tehnologia! Mai ales ca o sa ma ajute sa arat mai bine. Dar pana atunci, o sa revin in curand si cu celelalte rezolutii. Pentru ca da, o sa tin jurnalul asta, zilnic. Stati pe aproape.


