HellO, WOrld!
I don’t care if it’s Friday 13th! I’m just happy it’s finally Friday!
And I’m more happy because there are only 2 weeks till Spring! And that’s a very good reason to celebrate! How?
You can plan now a romantic holiday, in the most beautiful destinations for Spring, recommended by Conde Nast Traveller
Buy your ticket for Untold Festival, the event that will reunite in Cluj Napoca, at the end of July, some of the most important DJ’s and bands from all over the World. Cluj-Napoca is the Youth Capital of Europe in 2015, so it will be a must see this year.
Create your own extravagant and personalized chair on photoliu.com. I lOOOOve their idea! I can play all day long on their app, imagining how my living room could look.
Detox your wardrobe! You can donate the old clothes, and make happy some poor people. I found this page on Facebook, and I’m sure they will help your old clothes to find a way to the people in need.
Plant a tree! Or a billion, like Felix Finkbeiner, a young guy from Germany, did. He wins the European of The Year award, voted by Reader’s Digest.
The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers.
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: M12 Coat, available on Molecule-F, H&M trousers, C&A vest, Calvin Klein shirt, Illesteva sunglasses, Dr Martens shoes.
HellO, WOrld!
Ma doare in cot ca azi e Vineri, 13. De fapt, sunt chiar bucuros ca e Vineri si se termina inca o saptamana teribil de agitata.
Si, de fapt, fericirea mea e amplificata si de faptul ca mai sunt doar doua saptamani pana vine primavara. Iar asta chiar mi se pare un super bun motiv de a sarbatori! Si cum poti face asta?
In primul rand, iti recomand sa iti planifici urgent o vacanta pentru lunile de primavara. Am gasit si cele mai bune recomandari pentru destinatiile ideale, recomandari facute chiar de cei de la revista Conde Nast Traveller.
Cumpara-ti bilet la Untold Festival, cel mai mare eveniment muzical ce va avea loc anul acesta in partea asta de lume. Va reuni la Cluj, la sfaristul lui Iulie, o multime de DJ’s celebrii si de formatii, care mai de care mai bune. Cluj-Napoca este anul acesta Capitala Europeana a tineretului, si ca atare este o destinatie de neratat!
Creeaza-ti propriul scaun extravagant, personalizandu-l cum vrei tu pe photoliu.com. Eu nu ma mai satur sa ma joc pe aplicatia lor, mi se pare ca au avut o idee geniala!
Scapa de hainele vechi! E momentul sa-ti faci ordine in garderoba, iar cu ocazia asta poti ajuta o multime de oameni nevoiasi, donand hainele de care nu mai ai nevoie. Am gasit pagina asta pe Facebook, sunt sigur ca ei te vor ajuta sa gasesti o cale prin care outfiturile pe care nu le-ai mai purtat din 2010 sa ajunga la niste oameni mai putin norocosi.
Planteaza un copac! Sau un miliard, asa cum face Felix Finkbeiner, desemnat de revista Reader’s Digest Europeanul Anului.