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Follow Your Dream!

Follow Your Dream!

„Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.”


HellO, WOrld!

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

Ovidiu Muresanu Sky

In this short but beautiful Easter holiday I realized that I’ve achieved many of my dreams in the past 12 months. Not goals…dreams. And I should be grateful for that. Dreams are the big things that I’ve always wanted to do but didn’t think I could or should.

Of the dreams achieved this year, here are some highlights:

I started The Stories of O. blog.

I traveled a lot. I flight over 12.000 milies in the past 12 months.

I learned to surf. Or, at least, I realized that I can surf, even if I don’t swim.

I went to Jerusalem, and I saw the Western Wall and the Holy Sepulchre.

I made it to Forbes Magazine, which nominated me as the most influential male lifestyle blogger in this country.

If you asked me a few years ago whether I would have fulfilled some of these dreams, I would have responded: “Maybe if I win the lottery.”  Well, I didn’t win the lottery (it’s partially my fault since I don’t play very much), but I made my dreams came true. Even if I’m not living somewhere over the rainbow.

But how can you achive your dreams?

First of all:

Choose your dream!

Life is a not a Hollywood movie that has the inevitable happy ending. It is possible that your expectations are not realistic, given your current abilities, skills, situation, or efforts. So, it’s very important to pick the right dream. I know, it sounds a little bt weird, becase how can you define a right dream? Well, it is tempting to pick the perfect dream and this need for perfection can paralyze you.

But, what I want you to remember is that this is not a one time deal. You’ll have many dreams and there is no reason why you can’t fulfill most of them.

My advice to you is to choose one and make that decision now. And then, follow your dream. Create yor step-by-step plan in order to achieve your dream, and start working at your plan, everyday. It’s not going to be easy, I can guarantee you (of course, it’s related to the dream you choosed). Determination to succeed is not enough, if you are not willing to learn and adapt. Because you know, a popular quote states that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So, you should learn from it. Adaptation is very important, if you want to achieve your dream. But, as long as you are still following your dream, you will find yourself closer to it, everyday. Even if you want to start a blog, or to learn to surf.

Life is much better when you wake up everyday and all you’re doing is going for your dreams. So, choose your dream and follow it. What are you waiting for?



Photography: Sebastian Florea
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
Outfit: Total look H&M SS2015 Collection, available now in stores, Adidas Superstar sneakers, Oakley sunglasses.


HellO, WOrld!

In scurta dar frumoasa vacanta de Pasti am realizat cat de multe din visele mele s-au implinit in ultimul timp. Si ma refer aici la vise, la lucruri pe care mi le-am dorit intotdeauna sa le fac, dar pe care nu credeam ca voi reusi vreodata sa le realizez. Si totusi, uite ca in ultimele douasprezece luni, am reusit.

Dintre visele realizate in ultimul an, acestea sunt cele mai importante:

– Am inceput blogul The Stories of O.

– Am calatorit mult. Am zburat mai mult de 12.000 de mile in ultimele 12 luni.

– Am invatat sa fac surf. Sau, cel putin, am realizat ca pot sa fac surf desi nu stiu sa inot.

– Am ajuns la Ierusalim, unde am vazut si Zidul Plangerii, dar si Sfantul Mormant.

– Am ajuns in revista Forbes, care m-a nominalizat ca fiind cel mai influent blogger masculin de lifestyle din Romania.

Daca m-ati fi intrebat acum cativa ani daca cred ca as putea sa-mi implinesc unele dintre aceste vise, probabil as fi raspuns: „Doar daca o sa castig la Loto.” Evident, nu s-a intamplat asta, dar totusi am reusit sa-mi implinesc aceste vise. Asta chiar daca nu traiesc intr-un palat din Olimp.

Cum poti sa-ti atingi visele?

In primul si in primul rand, alegeti visul pe care vrei sa-l atingi. Viata nu este ca intr-un film de Holywood, si nu intotdeauna aventurile se sfarsesc cu happy end. E posibil sa-ti setezi niste asteptari prea mari fata de pregatirea, timpul, posibilitatile, conjunctura sau capacitatea ta de efort. De aceea este foarte important sa-ti alegi visul corect. O sa ma intrebati, cum adica visul „corect”, cum il putem diferentia de cele gresite? Pai e foarte tentant sa alegi un vis mare, unul atat de important incat teama fata de el sa te paralizeze, sa-ti ocupe timpul si, de fapt, acest vis sa fie pur si simplu imposibil. Dar, trebuie sa tineti minte ca aveti dreptul la mai multe incercari.  Sunt sigur ca aveti mai multe vise si de ce nu s-ar implini cea mare parte dintre ele?

De aceea, sfatul meu este sa tineti cont de ce am scris mai sus si sa va alegeti visul. Chiar acum. Apoi pregatiti un plan prin care, pas cu pas, sa va apropiati de implinirea acestui vis. Munciti in fiecare zi la acest plan, astfel incat sa simtiti ca v-ati mai apropiat un pic de visul vostru. Desigur, nu va fi usor (nici mie nu mi-a fost deloc, credeti-ma), Iar determinarea nu va asigura succesul, daca nu o completati si cu o mare disponibilitate la schimbare. Adaptati-va la situatiile neprevazute care apar, si nu repetati aceleasi greseli. Dar atata timp cat va urmati visul si nu-l veti abandona, va veti afla in fiecare zi mai aproape de el. Fie ca visati sa incepeti si voi un blog, sau sa invatati sa faceti surf.

Viata este mult mai frumoasa cand in fiecare zi faci totul pentru a te apropia de visul tau. Asa ca alegeti visul si urmeaza-l! Ce mai astepti?

