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Follow Me And You Win!

HellO, World!

Today is the day! I have a Twitter account! Starting from now on, you can stalk me @OvidiuMuresanu where you will find the latest updates from my adventurous and stylish life #imsooometoday

And because I love to be always in touch with you, I will make a promise. Right now!

So, if  you will follow me on Twitter or on Instagram, you will get the chance to win a bracelet. Not just a bracelet, but The Stories of O. bracelet, like the one I always wear, because it brings me luck.  #meluckyme

I will get back to you soon with more good news, but til then:

– Follow me on Twitter: @OvidiuMuresanu
– Follow me on Instagram: OVIDIU_MURESANU



Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit: H&M sweater, collar and trousers, Converse sneakers, C&A backpack, Illesteva Leonard Sunglasses