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Fashion Days of Summer!

HellO, WOrld!


You know why I love Summer so much? Of course you do. Because we have the same reasons to fall in love with this amazing season every year. We are in a holiday mood, and we all dreaming at those long sunny days, spent on a wonderful beach. Or on a yacht. Or on top of a mountain. Or doing shopping! Because we need fresh, new and cool outfits for our holidays. Isn’t it?

Ovidiu Muresanu Fashion Days

Ovidiu Muresanu Fashion Days

Ovidiu Muresanu Fashion Days

Ovidiu Muresanu Fashion Days

Ovidiu Muresanu Fashion Days

Guys, you know that I’m always here for you to help you. And today I want to thank all of you for being my friends. Because you are following me everywhere in my adventures, even if I’m flying with a hot air balloon in Cappadocia, surfing in Tenerife, partying in Bucharest, or strolling on the streets of Florence or Berlin. Yes, I’m very happy that today you are almost 9.000 on my Facebook page, and more than 4.000 on my Instagram account, and few hundreds are following me on Snapchat. And because you are my friends, I will share with you some great news! If you dreamed all spring to buy your favorite pair of loafers, or a fabulous jacket, or those blue chinos, but they were to expensive, now you can! Because it’s Summer Sales season at Fashion Days! Yes, 5 Days of Summer Sales, on my favorite online shopping website, where you can find all the shirts, trousers, bags, sneakers, sunglasses, tshirts, loafers and  practicaly everything, with 60 percents discounts! Check now Fashion Days website, or the Fashion Days App, and enjoy shopping! And don’t forget, if you need some styling advices, you can always find me here! I can help you to be the coolest guy in town this Summer.





Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio

Outfit: Total Look Fashion Days



HellO, WOrld!


Nu mai e niciun secret pentru voi ca iubesc vara, nu-i asa? Si banuiesc ca si voi aveti o multime de motive sa o indragiti la fel de mult ca mine, tinand cont ca este sezonul vacantelor. Fie ca mergem la mare, pe un iaht, ne plimbam printr-un oras spectaculos sau ajungem in varf de munte. Vacantele sunt minunate. Insa, pentru a ne simti si mai bine vara asta, avem nevoie de niste outfituri perfecte de vacanta. Nu-i asa? Deci ar trebui sa facem niste cumparaturi. Nu, nu va speriati, nu va pun sa va plimbati ore intregi prin magazine, pe canicula asta. Nu, nicidecum. Doar stiti ca sunt mereu aici ca sa va ajut si sa vin cu cele mai bune sfaturi pentru voi.

Si asta pentru ca vreau sa va multumesc. Pentru ca sunteti peste 9.000 de prieteni pe Facebook, peste 4.000 pe Instagram si cateva sute pe Snapchat, care ma urmariti zilnic, in toate aventurile mele, fie ca zbor intr-un balon cu aer cald deasupra Cappadociei, fie ca fac surf in Tenerife, merg la cele mai cool petreceri din Bucuresti, sau ma plimb agale prin Florenta sau Berlin. Sunteti absolut minunati si de aceea am pentru voi o veste super buna. Fashion Days a inceput sezonul de reduceri de vara! Da, pantalonii aia la care visezi inca din primavara, camasa sau jacketa pe care ti le doresti de cateva luni acum sunt la niste super preturi, pe Fashion Days. Intra pe site-ul lor sau in aplicatia Fashion Days, pentru ca ai 5 zile de Summer Sales, in care sa-ti cumperi cele mai cool haine si accesorii. Da, au mii de produse reduse cu pana la 60%! Si nu uita, daca ai nevoie de ajutor pentru ati alege outfiturile de vacanta, stii unde ma gasesti. Sunt aici, pentru a te ajuta sa fii cel mai cool barbat din oras vara asta. Sau, si mai bine, din vacanta.


