HellO, World!
I have a very good news for you!
And it’s not about the snowy weekend and the winter that came too soon. No, don’t worry, my friends.
It’s about the most spectacular collaboration of H&M with a designer. The swedish company will celebrate this year a decade of succsessful collections launched in partnership with big designers. And the first one was, obviously, The King Karl. Karl Lagerfeld. And the new collection, that you will find in selected H&M stores starting from November, 6, it’s signed by Alexander Wang, #TeamWang
As you can see in those photos, Alexander Wang, the first american designer invited by H&M to launch a collection under their brand, created some modern and very sporty outfits, suitables for urban wariors. That’s why I invited my trainer, Alex (it’s just a name coincidence), to join me in this shooting, because he is my best adviser when I’m trying to create a training routine and to keep my body in shape.
Well, it was a frozen situation, because outside we’re minus zillion degrees and a terrible wind. But even so, he showed me some postures that will help me when I will start to fight for a title in the WBA league. #rockyreturns or something
Coming back to the #AlexanderWangXHM Collection, he declared when the parnership was announced: „I wanted to create a collection where most of the pieces have been designed from scratch. Rather than creating affordable versions of expensive items, I wanted to design true performance pieces that are within the natural price points of sportswear of H&M, so we were able to create the best version of these pieces, through our vocabulary”. The collection is inspired from the latest creations of the designer presented on the catwalk, including leather boxing shorts, croc effect, and the sheer stripe detailing from his Spring/Summer 2013 collection .
I am definitely in love with some items of this collection (the backpack, the boxing gloves, the black boxing shorts and the slippers are on top of my list) so I won’t miss the launch of Alexander Wang for H&M Collection in stores.
See you there, on November, 6!
Outfits: Alexander Wang X H&M Collection
Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio
HellO, World!
Am niste vesti foarte bune pentru voi! Si nu, nu ma refer la faptul ca a venit iarna cu 2 luni mai repede! Din fericire, a si plecat, iar gerul si ninsoarea au tinut doar un weekend.
Ma refer aici la cea mai spectaculoasa colaborare a celor de la H&M cu un designer. Compania suedeza aniverseaza acum un deceniu de proiecte realizate in comun cu designeri de moda renumiti. Iar daca prima colectie a fost lansata acum zece ani impreuna cu King Karl Lagerfeld, de data aceasta, cei de la H&M l-au invitat pe Alexander Wang sa li se alature in acest proiect. Iar intreaga colectie va fi disponibila in magazinele H&M selectate incepand cu 6 Noiembrie.
Dupa cum ati vazut si in fotografii, Alexander Wang, primul designer american invitat sa lanseze o colectie impreuna cu H&M, ne propune outfituri de inspiratie sport, din materiale foarte moderne, potrivite pentru a fi purtate de razboinicii urbani. De aceea l-am si invitat pe Alex, antrenorul meu, sa mi se alature in realizarea acestui shooting, pentru ca el este autorul celor mai eficiente sedinte de antrenament, menite sa ma mentina in forma maxima.
Desigur, afara erau minus doua milioane de grade (sau cel putin asa parea, din cauza vantului), insa chiar si asa, am reusit sa invat cu ajutorul lui Alex cateva posturi de box care sa ma ajute in castigarea, in curand, a unui titlu de campion in Liga WBA. #rockyreturns #inmydreams
Revenind la colectia #AlexanderWangXHM, ea a fost inspirata din tinutele prezentate de designer pe catwalk, insa este o colectie construita de la zero, cu multe piese din neopren si piele, potrivita publicului urban, indragostit de sport si de miscare.
Iar eu trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am indragostit pe loc de cateva item-uri din colectie: rucsacul din piele, manusile si shortul de box, dar si papucii, sunt in topul listei mele. Asa ca abia astept ajung pe 6 Noiembrie in magazinele H&M, la lansarea colectiei Alexander Wang X H&M.
Ne vedem acolo!