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David Bowie – The Man Who Fell to Earth

„I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human.” David Bowie


HellO, WOrld!


I guess that doesn’t made David an angel. But he was much more than that. He was the man who fell to the Earth from space. And now he is back there, up in the sky, watching his blue planet from above. And there’s nothing he can do.


Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Ovidiu Muresanu David Bowie

Probably my first meeting with David Bowie was somewhere between „China Girl” and „Let’s Dance„. He was already a magister of transformations, one of the most famous British artist, and for me he represented, at that time, the perfect reinterpretation of a modern Gentleman. And, of course, an alien. A weird combination, I can say, but the way he moves, his eyes and his voice were somehow unhuman. And, at that time, I didn’t knew a thing about Ziggy Stardust and his „Space Oddity„. I discover it much, much later, in my highschool years, when David came back to my life. And at that time there were his videos the ones who totally captivate my attention, like „Little Wonder” and „I’m Afraid of Americans„. I was in my rave/post punk/doom metal period. And everything that looked strange and out of this world was perfect for me. And David wad exactly like this. So I bought a Tshirt. The one you can see in the pictures above.

I’ve never been a fanatic fan of somebody, so, even when I was an adolescent, you couldn’t find in my wardrobe too many tshirts with singers or band names on them. I always preffered to enjoy all kind of music. If that music makes me feel something, that means it’s a good music. No other arguments worked for me. So, in my life, I bought only two  „I’m THIS artist fan” Tshirts. One with Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, and one with David Bowie. And luckily, after all this years, the David Bowie Tshirt is still here. Curt Cobain is gone, probably stolen. But it doesen’t matter now. Today it’s about David Bowie. And I wanted to make those pictures and write something, because he was always with me. Especially after I saw THIS article on Harper’s Bazaar. And I realized how much he inspired me. Because he was out of this world. He was  „The Man Who Fell to Earth.” And I don’t know exactly where he’s gonne, but I’m sure that it’s not boring. Because he is a constellation now. Next to Mars.




Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio

Outfit: vintage David Bowie Tshirt, Mihaela Gherlan coat, available on Molecule-F online and in Molecule F Concept Store, Marks and Spencer and Calvin Klein shirts, vintage suit, Converse sneakers, Selected Homme shoes.


„Am avut intotdeauna o dorinta repingatoare de a fi ceva mai mult decat un simplu om” (David Bowie)


OK, poate ca asta nu il face pe David Bowie un sfant. Dar este mai mult decat atat. Este omul care a cazut pe Pamant de undeva din spatiu. Iar acum s-a intors acolo, de unde priveste spre planeta lui albastra. And there’s nothing he can do.

Cred ca m-am intalnit prema data cu David Bowie undeva intre „China Girl” si „Let’s Dance„, piese ce au ajuns hituri mondiale. Devenise deja un maestru al transformarilor, era unul din cei mai faimosi artisti britanici si pentru mine reprezenta, in acel moment, cea mai buna reinterpretare a unui gentleman modern. Dar era, in acelasi timp, un extraterestru. O combinatie ciudata, dar felul in care se misca, ochii sai, dar si vocea, il faceau cumva sa para dintr-o alta lume. Iar in acel moment inca nu stiam nimic despre Ziggy Stardust, personajul pe care il interpreta cu atata succes la inceputul carierei sale, sau despre „Space Oditty” si „Life on Mars.” Le-am descoperit mult mai tarziu, in ultimii ani de liceu, cand David Bowie revenise in forta in muzica, reinventandu-se din nou (pentru a cata oara) si ocupand primele locuri in topuri cu „I’m afraid of Americans” sau „Little Wonder„. Eram in perioada mea rave/post punk/doom metal iar tot ce parea a fi din alta lume, mi se parea minunat. Iar David era fix asa. Asa ca mi-am cumparat un tricou cu el. Cel pe care l-ati putut vedea in fotografiile de mai sus.

Nu am fost niciodata vreun fan „fanatic” al unui artist sau al unei formatii. De aceea, in garderoba mea de adolescent/foarte tanar, nu aveam prea multe astfel de tricouri, cu trupe sau cantareti. Mi-au placut intotdeauna toate genurile de muzica Pentru mine era mai importanta starea, iar daca muzica aia imi transmitea ceva, imi venea sa dansez, sa cant si eu, sa rad sau sa plang, inseamna ca era vorba de muzica buna. Asa ca in viata mea am cumparat doar doua tricouri din categoria „sunt fanul artistului astuia, da”. Cel cu David Bowie si unul cu Kurt Cobain, solistul Nirvana. Din fericire, dupa atatia ani, tricoul cu David Bowie inca este la mine in dulap. Cel cu Kurt a disparut, nu stiu cum, insa nu are nicio importanta acum. Pentru ca azi e vorba de David Bowie. De aceea am vrut sa fac fotografiile astea, mai ales dupa ce am vazut articolul ASTA din Harper’s Bazaar, unde sunt prezentate transformarile „iconice”ale artistului britanic cel mai influent din istorie. Pentru ca mi-am dat seama cat de mult m-a influentat si pe mine. Pentru ca era un om venit de undeva din spatiu, nu era deloc la fel ca noi. Iar acum s-a intors acolo, si sigur nu e intr-un loc plicitisitor. Pentru ca acum David Bowie este o constelatie. O gasiti si voi pe cer. Sunt 7 stele, chiar langa planeta Marte.


