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Crazy Little Things I Love

HellO, WOrld!


Today I will start a new column, where I will post weekly (help me, God), a pic with my favorite little things. So, you will be invited in my small home (I live in a studio, yes. Not in a palace. Not in a villa. Not even in a house. Stau la bloc, asta e). So, I have a very small home which I have to share it now with my crazy little cat Honey O. He is adorable and I love my cat as much as he loves bambusul pe care il am de cand m-am mutat aici. Si care sunt sigur ca nu va supravietui mai mult de o luna, desi a rezistat bine mersi 9 ani. Anyway, let’s get back to my new column. You will discover here my favorite perfumes and grooming products mostly, but also accessories, drinks, small deco objects and sweets. A lot of sweets, I can anticipate. I’m a sucker for macarons, candies & chocolate. But this time I managed somehow to avoid the sugar rush and this are my little things for you this week:

1. Molinard – Cuir – Eau de Parfum

Unexpected, provocating, addictive, it reaches a perfect alchemy between the supreme boldness of the perfumer and the visionary maturity of the leather. And I definitely love it. It’s available in selected Beautik Haute Perfumerie shops.

2. L’occitane – Lavender Relaxing Roll-On

Formulated with Haute-Provence lavender essential oil, with relaxing properties, this certified-organic Lavender Relaxing Roll-on roll-on helps to soothe tension and relax the mind. Lavender was one of the first flowers distilled by Olivier Baussan, the founder of L’OCCITANE. Known in Provence as „blue gold,” this plant is an aromatic tribute to the south of France and is the fragrant soul of the region. Since I use it eevery evening, I’m dreaming mostly at the magic lavander fields of Provence. Lucky me that I’ve found this Summer that we have something simmilar dincolo de Prut, in Moldova. Maybe I will go there next year. And I will come back more relaxed than ever. But till then, I will use this magic roll-on. You can find it in a L’Occitane shop near you.

 3. Clarins Men – Super Moisture Gel

It’s perfect for your dehydrated skin! I use it mostly in my Summer Holidays, because it moisturize, soothe and firm up my burned skin. And it’s very, very refreshing! You can find it at Sephora.

I’ll be back soon, with more little things!




HellO, WOrld!


Gata, astazi incep o noua rubrica pe blog: Crazy Little Things I LOve! Aici o sa postez saptamanal (sper sa reusesc!) o fotografie cu lucrurile mici pe care le ador. Si uite asa, va invit in casuta mea cea mica – da, locuiesc intr-o garsoniera, nu intr-un palat sau vila. Nici macar intr-o casa. Stau la bloc, asta e. Intr-un studio micut pe care acum il impart cu pisoul meu cel nebun, Honey O.  Este adorabil si il iubesc foarte mult, la fel de mult cum e el indragostit de bambusul pe care il am de cand m-am mutat aici. Si care nu cred ca va rezista mai mult de o luna asalturilor amoroase ale lui Honey O.

Anyway, hai sa revenim la rubrica mea cea noua. Veti descoperi aici o multime de mici lucruri care imi plac: majoritatea vor fi produse de grooming sau parfumuri, dar veti vedea aici si accesorii, gadgeturi, mici obiecte de decor sau dulciuri. La cum ma cunosc, o sa fie destul de multe dulciuri, pentru ca ador ciocolata, macarons si bomboanele Bucuria. Dar de data asta am reusit sa ma abtin si sa fotografiez doar produse fara zahar 🙂

Iar acestea sunt:

1. Molinard – Cuir – Eau de Parfum

Face parte din colectia Les Elements lansata de celebra casa de parfumuri frantuzeasca. Are o aroma seducatoare, surprinzatoare si care da dependenta, combinand foarte bine notele exotice cu cele de piele. Eu sunt cu totul indragostit de acest parfum! Intreaga colectie este disponibila in eexclusivitate in magazinele Beautik Haute Parfumerie.


2. L’occitane – Lavender Relaxing Roll-On

Dupa o zi stresanta la birou, mi-e din ce in ce mai greu sa ma relaxez. Din fericire insa, am descoperit acest produs minunat, ce foloseste uleiuri esentiale de lavanda, si care ma face sa ma simt zen in doar cateva minute de la aplicare. Eu il folosesc doar seara, inainte de culcare, si face minuni! Visez ca sunt in mijlocul unor lanuri de lavanda, din Provence, asa ca ma trezesc foarte relaxat. Il gasiti in reteaua magazinelor L’Occitane.


3. Clarins Men – Super Moisture Gel

E mini produsul pe care il ador in vacantele de vara, pentru ca imi hidrateaza si relaxeaza pielea dupa o zi de plaja. Si dupa ce il aplic, ma simt mult, mult mai fresh! Il gasiti la Sephora.


