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Crazy Little Things I Love (X)

HellO, WOrld!

And yes, suddendly Summer has come. And of course, I am very happy about that. It’s like O. My God, s-a terminat odata cu vremea aia aiurea si cu frigul?

So here are my favorites for the next months. Because you know, every Summer has a story, but mine will definitely have more than just one.


YSL – La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum

And the first one is right here. La Nuit de L’Homme by Yves Saint Laurent tells a story of intensity, bold sensuality, and seduction that lies half-way between restraint and abandon. Bright, masculine freshness combines with sophistication and nonchalance to create a fresh, yet deep and mysterious scent with notes of cardamom, cedar, and coumarin—a structure of contrasting forces.

Ovidiu Muresanu Love

It’s a very sensual perfume, ideal for a Summer night full of passion. And you can find it HERE.


The Stories of O. X Skin Deep – Rich/Poor Wallet

Maybe not all the rich people are happy, but it’s better to cry in an Aston Martin instead of being happy in metrou, la 6 seara, intre Pipera si Unirii (ceea ce oricum este aproape imposibil). So, you will need this wallet. Like our lives, it has two faces – the Rich one/the Poor one. But to be happy, be sure that you will keep this wallet full with money. Or with credit cards.

Ovidiu Muresanu Love

You can find the Rich/Poor wallet, from my latest cooperation with Skin Deep, on my online shop, or in Molecule F Concept Store, in Promenada Mall

Dr.Jart – Brightening Solution Face Mask

Dermask Micro Jet Brightening Solution™ is made with fine microfiber to help active ingredients penetrate deeply for ultimate brightening benefits. A powerful antioxidants, glutathione, niacinamide, and a-bisabolol visibly brightens skin to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation such as dark spots, acne scars, and discoloration while inhibiting melanin production.

This product is free from 10 harmful ingredients such as artificial fragrance or color, denatured alcohol, triethanolamine, sulfate-based surfactants, triclosan, mineral oil, propylene glycol, and DEA that causes skin irritation. It’s hypoallergenic and suited for all skin types including sensitive skin, so it’s the perfect product that will take care of your skin during hot Summer days.

Ovidiu Muresanu Love

And you can find it exclusively in Sephora shops and online.

Biotherm Homme – Total Recharge

You will need this too. Because there will be many crazy parties this Summer. You know Im a party guy, and I already tested the magic effects of the Total Recharge products at TIFF, in Cluj.

Ovidiu Muresanu Love
And it works. After a big night. Or a short night. A long day. Or a hard day. Or any or all of the above. Biotherm Homme develops the double-duty moisturizer + skin energizer to combat marked signs of fatigue. You also have the Total Recharge for your eyes.  Your skin is looking energized, all day long. You should definitely use them. You can find the Total Recharge products at Douglas.





HellO, WOrld!


Si uite, asa cum ma asteptam, vara a venit brusc, intr-o zi de marti. Iar asta nu poate decat sa ma faca foarte fericit. Adica nah, s-a terminat cu vremea aia aiurea si cu frigul, in sfarsit?

Asa ca uite, mi-am ales favoritele pentru urmatoarele luni. Cele care o sa ma faca sa ma simt si sa arat irezistibil. Pentru ca da, fiecare vara are o poveste, dar sunt sigur ca a mea va avea mai multe.

YSL – La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum

Pentru toate noptile albe ale verii vei avea nevoie de un parfum seducator. Iar acesta este YSL – La Nuit de L’Homme. Osciland intre contrast si supradoza, La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum se deschide cu o explozie proaspătă de bergamotă şi anason, urmată îndeaproape de notele picante de pieper negru. Noaptea invadează atmosfera, iar capcana este iminentă. Notele de levănţică şi labdanum eliberează un parfum ameţitor, o melodie îmbătătoare cu note senzuale de patchouli şi vanilie. Atracţie la putere maximă. Vetiverul adaugă nota finală parfumului infuzat cu ingrediente nobile. Il gasesti la Douglas.


The Stories of O. X Skin Deep – Portmoneul Rich/Poor

Poate ca banii nu aduc fericirea, dar eu cred ca e mai bine sa plangi intr-un Aston Martin, decat sa fi fericit in metrou, la 6 seara, intre Pipera si Unirii (bine, asta este foarte improbabil sa se intample). Asa ca o sa ai nevoie de portmoneul asta, care face parte din colectia pe care am lansat-o impreuna cu Skin Deep. Ca si viata, are doua fete, Rich/Poor, dar ca sa fii fericit, cred ca ar fi mai bine sa il tii plin cu bani. Sau cu carduri de credit. Il gasesti pe shopul meu online: si in Molecule F Concept Store din Promenada Mall.

Dr.Jart – Brightening Solution Face Mask

Biotherm Homme – Total Recharge

Gama asta de la Biotherm Homme este magica. Va spun eu, ca am testat-o la Cluj, dupa nopti in care am dormit prea putine ore si am petrecut cam prea multe la TIFF. Dar cu Biotherm Homme Total Recharge, lotiunea de zi si serul pentru ochi, arati ca si cum ai dormit un somn regulamentar si linistit de 8 ore. La mine a functionat. Intreaga gama o gasesti la Douglas.



