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Crazy Little Things I Love (IV)

HellO, WOrld!


It’s that moment of the week again, when I show you some of my beloved little things: a perfume, a bowtie, my fav pairs of sunglasses and some delicious sweets.

 Roberto Cavalli – Uomo

WOW! It was love at first sight! Maybe because Cavalli reinvented the modern man, seen through Peter Dundas’s eyes as a modern dandy. Blessed with an instinctive sense of style and elegance, he effortlessly blends sophistication and casualness. Unbound and free, he remains true to himself in every circumstance and never needs to pretend. Confident without arrogance, naturally seductive, he radiates a form of charisma that leaves a deep imprint in the hearts and minds of the people around him. For him, life is like music and he is perfectly in tune with its inner rhythm and melody.

Volatile and mysterious, Roberto Cavalli’s Uomo comes and goes freely, constantly fluctuating. An intense heart of honey facetted with lavender essence adds depth and volume to this catchy overture, building a riveting theme. The hypnotic base note of cedar wood amplifies this fragrant melody. Laced with mesmerizing oriental undertones of patchouli and Tonka beans, its magnetic trail generates a seductive echo. The embossed crocodile motif gives the matching folding box a unique feel. The gold logo and shiny black monogram proudly sign this uncompromising.

The Stories of O. bowtie

Yes, of course I love bowties! That’s why I created a special bowtie collection together with my talented friend, Madalina Spirleanu. Made out of silk or egyptian cotton, this are the perfect accessories for a modern gentleman. And you should know that every bowtie is unique! You can find my bowtie collection HERE.

Illesteva Leonard Sunglases

I love this American – Italian brand! And I love more the shape of Leonard sunglasses. I consider them the perfect sunglasses. Round, with a classic look, makes me feel like I’m a star in holiday on the wonderful Amalfi coast.  Probably that’s why I have not one, but two pairs of Leonard in my closet. You can find them in OPTIblu Radu Beller shop.

Bijoux from Caffe Gilli

Yes, I love sweets! And the ones from Caffe Gilli from Florence are very special. First of all, because this Caffe is 300 years old. It was founded in 1733, by a Swiss eponymous family who opened Bottega dei Pani Dolci (The Sweet Bread Boutique). It became famous in 1848, when it was the local nerve center for the Florence intellectuals. And now is still the most famous caffee shop in Florence, where you can try a vero cappuccino and indulge yourself with some delicious sweets.


Ovidiu Muresanu Crazy Things





HellO, WOrld!

A venit momentul ala din saptamana in care va prezint cateva din lucrurile mici de care m-am indragostit in ultimul timp. De data aceasta lista include un parfum, un papion, o pereche de ochelari de soare si niste bomboane de ciocolata delicioase (mda, Sad but true, dar se pare ca nu o sa scap niciodata de pasiunea mea pentru dulciuri).


Roberto Cavalli – Uomo

E WOW! A fost dragoste la prima vedere…sau miros. Pentru ca Peter Dundas, noul director de creatie al casei Cavalli a reinventat barbatul modern, pe care el il vede ca pe un dandy cu influente rock, ce imbina fara efort rafinamentul cu stilul relaxat.  Pentru Cavalli, viata este ca muzica, iar personajul sau principal, pentru care a creat acest parfum, este mereu in acord cu ritmul sau melodia ei. Volatil si misterios, seducator si fascninant, Uomo de Roberto Cavalli reuneste note de miere, lavanda, lemn de cedru si patchouli, asa ca are toate ingredientele pentru a cuceri pe oricine. Trebuie doar sa-l porti si sa te lasi purtat de ritmul muzicii.

Papionul The Stories of O.

E evident ca am o pasiune pentru papioane, altfel nu as fi creat o colectie de astfel de accesorii impreuna cu talentata mea prietena, Madalina Spirleanu. Sunt realizati manual din matase si bumbac egiptean, iar fiecare model este unic, asa ca sunt accesoriile perfecte pentru un gentleman modern. Gasiti intreaga colectie AICI.

Daca va pasioneaza papioanele, va invit sa ramaneti pe aproape, pentru ca in curand lansez mai multe modele noi, de inspiratie art nouveau.

Illesteva Leonard

Ador brandul americano-italian Illesteva. Asta pentru ca au creat ochelarii mei de soare preferati – modelul Leonard. Forma lor rotunjta, de inspiratie clasica,ma fac sa ma simt, atunci cand ii port, ca un star in vacanta pe coasta amalfitana. Probabil de aceea am nu una, ci doua perechi de Illesteva Leonard. Daca va tenteaza sa ii purtati si voi, ii gasiti in magazinul OPTIblu Radu Beller.

 Bomboanele de ciocolata de la Caffe Gilli

Iubesc ciocolata. Asta e, tot sper ca o sa ma trezesc intr-o dimineata si o sa-mi spun ca nu inteleg ce mi-a placut atat de mult la ciocolata aia, ca n-are niciun gust. Dar deocamdata nu mi s-a intamplat asta, asa ca de multe ori o cumpar compulsiv. Si o mananc la fel de compulsiv. Ca sa am un motiv sa merg la sala si mai des, probabil. Ciocolata iti da o stare de bine, iar mersul la sala face acelasi lucru, deci tot raul spre bine. Anyway, sa revenim la Gilli, cafeneaua cea mai faimoasa din Florenta, unde gasesti minunatiile astea din ciocolata. Care sunt ambalate si arata ca niste bijuterii. Si e normal sa fie asa, din moment ce la Caffe Gilli isi faceau cumparaturile de dulciuri capete incoronate. Iar asta inca din 1733, de cand a luat fiinta acest magazin/cafenea. A devenit si mai faimoasa in anul revolutiei de la 1848, cand acolo se intalneau toate creierele intelectuale ale Florentei, care puneau la cale indepenta, iar apoi au condus Italia tot de acolo, dupa ce orasul a devenit capitala peninsulei. Bref, daca ajungeti la Florenta trebuie sa treceti neaparat pe la Gilli. Si va rog sa-mi mai luati si mie niste ciocolata. Please.


