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Buy Smart And You’ll Be Happy!

HellO, WOrld!

Do you believe in shopping therapy? Cause I do! According to a study published in „Time” Magazine,  „shopping isn’t a problem, when it’s done in moderation, just like moderate use of alcohol. In small, manageable doses it can soothe the soul.” But now it’s the most exciting time of the year, the Winter Sales! How can I resist to not transform myself in a crazy compulsive shopper? Well, I have a solution. And I will share it with you.

Ovidiu Muresanu Winter

Ovidiu Muresanu WInter

Ovidiu Muresanu Winter

Ovidiu Muresanu Winter

Ovidiu Muresanu Winter

How did I found it? Well, you know what happends when you go at the grocery store right after you came out of the gym after a hard training? I can tell you. You buy a lot of food, and most of it will end in the garbage bin. It took me many years and many kilograms of fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese and cakes thrown away to realize that I should never buy food when I’m hungry like a bear. So, it’s the same with clothes.

I know that SALES season can drive you crazy. But instead of buying a lot of stuff that you don’t actually need, make a list of the most desirable things, and stick to that. Make smart shopping, instead of compulsive shopping. We waste money and precious time on things that have no place in our closets, our homes or our lives. One way to short-circuit the impulse buying cycle is to imagine you already own the item you are considering buy. Fast forward through the ‘thrill of the kill’ and imagine that this item, the one you are holding in your hand right now, belongs to you: you purchased it and now it’s yours. Imagine it in your closet/home, really see it there. Now consider: are you still excited about it?  So many of us don’t stop for even a moment to consider if we really need this item, and so we end up taking home things we never use. What a waste. Well, maybe that not makes me an Einstein, or the Wizzard of the Mall, but I can tell you that I’m very happy with my new vision regarding shopping on Sales. And because I mentioned a list, I have some tips for you. What you should definitely buy now, and that you will never regret. And you can find them all on Molecule-F website, on sales:

Polar Caps shirt, by Crepe Black Collar

M12 jumper with stripes

Adelina Ivan white shirt

Cristina Sabaiduc scarf

Cimitirul by Adrian Telespan Book Cover Tee


Enjoy your shopping! Buy smart!





The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers


Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio                                                                                                                                                 Outfit: Mihaela Gherlan coat and Silvia Serban top, available on Molecule F Concept Store, Energie jeans, UGG boots, Illesteva Leonard sunglasses.


HellO, WOrld!


Credeti ca shoppingul poate avea si rol terapeutic? Se pare ca da, conform unui studiu publicat de revista americana Time. Conform acestuia, „cumparaturile pot sa iti dea o stare de bine si chiar sa iti „trateze” sufletul, insa doar daca sunt facute moderat, fara excese, la fel cum se intampla si cu alcoolul”. Dar dupa cum stiti, acum e perioada cea mai plina de tentatii din an, mai ales pentru cumparatorii compulsivi, pentru ca suntem in plin sezon al REDUCERILOR de iarna. Insa sa stiti ca eu am gasit o solutie pentru a putea face fata tentatiilor si a cumpara inteligent. Si v-o spun si voua.

Cum am gasit-o? Hmmm, stiti ce se intampla cand dupa doua ore de antrenament foarte greu la sala intri lesinat de foame intr-un Mega Image? Va spun eu, cumperi tot ce vezi in fata ochilor. Pentru ca saracul tau creier nu e cel care decide in acele momente. Si uite asa mi s-a intamplat de nenumarate ori sa fiu nevoit ca dupa aceea sa arunc la gunoi kilograme multime de fructe, legume, paine sau alte alimente cumparate compulsiv. Ei bine, asta se intampla si cu hainele in perioada reducerilor. Toti inebunim un pic.

Asa ca sfatul meu e sa va faceti o lista. Iar pe ea sa treceti doar obiectele si piesele de imbracaminte la care ati visat intreg sezonul, insa nu le-ati cumparat pentru ca erau prea scumpe. Si nu faceti abateri de la ea. Am cheltuit de prea multe ori bani si timp pe lucruri care nu isi au rostul in dulapul meu, in casa sau in viata mea. Asa ca am decis sa nu mai fac asta, ci sa trec la smart shopping. Si pentru ca v-am spus de o lista, am pregatit eu una pentru voi. Cu haine pe care daca o sa le cumparati nu o sa regretati niciodata ca ati facut-o. Si sunt toate create de designeri romani, asa ca le gasiti chiar pe Molecule-F, la reduceri!

Polar Caps shirt, by Crepe Black Collar

M12 jumper with stripes

Adelina Ivan white shirt

Cristina Sabaiduc scarf

Cimitirul by Adrian Telespan Book Cover Tee


Enjoy your shopping! Buy smart!


