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Telespan, Books, Clothes and Other Drugs

Ati citit „Cimitirul”?

Raspuns: A. Da.
B. Nu.



Observația lui Teleșpan:
           Când ploaia vine peste mine / 
      Pe mine nervii nu mă ține / 
                 Zâmbesc lăuntric ca să ascund / 
      Blestemul de a fi profund.




Stop & Wear trousers & sweater, Oana Vasiloiu leather bag, Kogayon bracelets (available on Molecule-F),  Illesteva Leonard Sunglasses, US Polo ASSN boots, iPos Nano watch

Toti cei care au raspuns corect, respectiv A., banuiesc ca au ras cu lacrimi sau in hohote (dupa caz) citind cartea semnata de Telespan. Cei care au raspuns B, sa intre AICI si sa o cumpere urgent, ca sa aiba si ei parte de o terapie prin ras. Si nu numai.

Oricum, fanii „Cimitirul” isi pot imagina ca Telespan e un tip bonom si extrem de haios, care te face sa razi tot timpul. Ei bine, priviti-l in poze. Daca majoritatea celebritatilor stiu sa zambeasca la poze, Telespan stie perfect sa se incrunte la poze. Recunosc, se incrunta intr-un mod sexy, dar se incrunta. E drept, poate avea motive, pentru ca nu ne-am fotografiat intr-un cimitir, locul unde (daca ati citit romanul cel mai vandut la Carturesti si pe el se simte cel mai bine. Dar era frig, burnita si o umezeala teribila, asa ca un shooting la Bellu mi s-a parut ca mi-ar fi distrus karma. Insa pentru ca ma intalneam cu cel mai vandut autor roman al ultimelor luni, cel mai mediatizat si mai ales, cel mai prezent pe Facebook si in alte retele de socializare, mi s-a parut mai potrivit sa ne fotografiem la Biblioteca Nationala.

Mai precis in fata la Biblioteca Nationala, care are program de ghiseu al Administratiei Fiscale. Adica de luni pana vineri, intre 8.00 – 18.00. Cum fotografiile au fost facute in weekend, nu am reusit sa intru cu Telespan in Biblioteca Nationala. Pacat, nu stiu ce au pierdut! O sa regrete ei, sigur!

Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre Telespan, cititi AICI interviul pe care i l-am luat in decembrie, cand inca nu era cel mai cunoscut scriitor roman pe Facebook.

With Love,

Proiectul Friday is in LOVE with O. e realizat in colaborare cu Molecule F

Have you read „Graveyard„? 

Answer: A. Yes .
                B. No. 

For all those who gave the correct answer (that would be A)., well, I guess you laughed out loud reading Telespan’s book. Those who gave the answer B, shame on you! Graveyard is a must so go ahead and buy it from HERE. You’ll have an unforgettable experience, positively speaking. 

 However, Graveyard’s fans might imagine that Telespan is a very funny guy who makes you laugh all the time. Well, not quite. And if you do not believe me, take a look at him in these pictures. While most celebrities (he doesn’t like me to call him this way) know how or at least when to smile while being photographed, Telespan knows how to look miserable. I admit he’s miserable in a sexy way. But that is still miserable. Actually, this time only, he might have a a couple of reasons. First – I found redundant his idea of taking the pictures in a graveyard, where, apparently, he feels better (you’ll see that yourselves if you read the best-selling novel in all the bookstores, both hardcover or ebook). The second reason was the weather: It was cold, a wet and terrible drizzle. That’s why I didn’t want to shoot inside Bellu Cemetery – I thought that it will ruin my karma. Anyway, because we are talking about a VIP writer, it seemed most appropriate for us to take the photos at the National Library. 

Actually, in front of the National Library, as it is closed during the weekends. And we had planned the photo session on a Saturday. So, Telespan didn’t make it inside the National Library either. Too bad! They will never know what they missed! Even so, they’ll regret it, I’m sure!

The project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to romanian designers.

 Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio