HellO, WOrld! What do you think, size really matters? Because we are quite obsessed about this subject. And when I say WE, I’m not referring only at the manly audience.
Because here, in Romania, we like big things. Nope, I’m wrong, we like huuuge things. Like the biggest building in Europe, which you can see in those pictures. Or the biggest mall, which you can also find it in Bucharest. Or the biggest cross in the world, which you can see on the Caraiman peak, on Prahova Valley. It’s easy to notice that we are quite obsessed with big things. Probably because nature didn’t helped us so much, and we are not in the top of the world when we are referring to a very special size. Which is quite important. According to a study published last week in BJU Journal of Urology, the medium size of a penis is 13,12 cm. Well, that makes me feel really good. But it seems that I’m a lucky winner, cause, according to a different study, Romanians, with only 12,73 cm in their pants, are not so gifted. We are undersize. OK, now you can protest. But the good thing is that size doesen’t matter that much, as other studies, published by other brithish scientists says. Is much more important to know what to do with it. And this thing, if it not came naturally, can be, luckily, learned. LOve, O. The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers. Photography: Serban Gheorghiu Hair Style: Robert Both Studio Outfit: Constantine/Renakossy Jumper available on Molecule F, H&M trousers, Dr.Martens boots, Polaroid sunglasses. HellO, WOrld! Ce credeti, marimea conteaza? Nu de alta, dar noi suntem destul de obesdati de acest subiect. SI cand spun NOI, nu ma refer doar la audienta masculina. Pentru ca vad ca in general, noua romanilor, ne plac lucrurile mari. Nuuu, de fapt gresesc, ne plac chestiile enorme. Cum ar fi cea mai mare cladire din Europa, Casa Poporului, pe care o vedeti in pozele astea. Sau cel mai mare mall, pe care il gasiti tot in Bucuresti, si care va fi depasit, in curand, de un alt mall, unul Mega, ce va fi inaugurat tot aici. Sau cel mai mare monument in forma de cruce, pe care o vedeti pe Valea Prahovei, in varful Caraiman, E usor de remarcat, cred, ca suntem chiar obsedati de chestiile mari. Probabil pentru ca natura nu a fost atat de generoasa cu noi, si atunci ne-a placut sa facem cu mana noastra ceea ce nu am primit pe cale genetica. Conform unui studiu publicat saptamana trecuta de BJU Journal od Orology si preluat de Hotnews, dimensiunea medie pe mapamond a unui penis in erectie este de 13,12 cm. Stirea asta m-a facut sa ma simt foarte bine. Insa, se pare ca eu sunt printre norocosi, pentru ca, un alt studiu, publicat anul trecut, plaseaza Romania printre cele mai putin „dotate” natii, cu doar 12,73 cm in medie, pe cap de barbat. Cam slabut, nu? Dar, pana la urma, vorba Samanthei din Totul despre sex, la dimensiunea asta, 0,5 cm in plus sau in minus oricum nu mai conteaza. Insa nu trebuie sa va enervati sau sa incepeti sa protestati Pentru ca studiile altor cercetatori britanici au aratat ca, de fapt, dimensiunea nu conteaza. E mult mai important sa stii ce sa faci cu organul din dotare, decat dimensiunile lui in centimetri. Iar asta, din fericire, se poate invata, nu mai depinde de natura. LOve, O.