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Best Christmas Ads 2016

HellO, WOrld!


Ho Ho Ho! There are only few days left till Christmas, we are all crazy and mad right now, so I decided that you need this. Take a break and watch the most beautiful TV adverts of the season. Nope, this time the big star is not Mog the cat, the Christmas calamity of last year. Instead we have an Oscar winner – Adrien Brody in the H&M magnificent commercial directed by the one and only Wes Anderson, and an Oscar nominee, Janet McTeer, as Mrs Claus, in the beautiful Marks & Spencer ad. We also have tens of cats, a dog, a panther, many many kids (of course), a couple of Teddy Bears and some cool dads. An airport, a train, a helicopter, few cars and a plane. And of course, a lot of joy, love and a tolerance lesson from Microsoft.


H&M – Come Together

Temptations – Keep Them Busy

Marks & Spencer – Christmas with Love from Mrs. Claus

Microsoft – The Spirit of The Season

Cartier – Winter Tale

Telekom – Christmas Offer Magenta ONE

John Lewis – Buster The Boxer

Jumbo – The Magical Christmas Journey

Coca Cola – A Coke for Christmas

Heathrow Airport – Coming Home for Christmas

And now, if you are touched by the holiday spirit and you are counting the days till Christmas, when you will meet your family and all your beloved ones, think a little at people that are suffering the most in this moment, the people from Aleppo. If you are horrified by the latest events from Syria, you should know that you can do more than a sad face on Facebook. HERE is an article from Huff Post, that will show you how you can help. And please, do it right now. #StopTheWar





HellO, WOrld!


Ho Ho Ho! Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Craciun, si toti parca am innebunit un pic si ne purtam ca niste posedati in goana noastra dupa cadouri si cozonaci. Asa ca am decis ca ar fi cazul sa facem chiar acum o pauza, sa ne tragem sufletul si sa ne uitam la cele mai frumoase reclame TV de Craciun din acest an. Mie astea 10 mi-au placut cel mai mult si cel mai mult. Nu il mai ave, pe motanul Mog, pacostea de anul trecut, in schimb avem un castigator de Oscar, pe Adrien Brody, in magnificul spot regizat de Wes Anderson, dar si o nominalizata la Oscar, pe Janet McTeer, care joaca rolul Doamnei Craciun, in superbul filmulet al celor de la Marks & Spencer. Insa stati linistiti, pisicile nu lipsesc anul asta, no way! Avem cu zecile!  Si mai avem si un buldog, o pantera, multi multi copii (evident!), un cuplu de ursuleti de plus dar si niste tati numarul unu, sper cool. Plus un aeroport, un tren, un elicopter, cateva masini si un avion. Si desigur, multa bucurie, colinde si cantece de Craciun, dar si o lectie de toleranta pe care o invatam de la copiii din spotul Microsoft.

Iar acum, daca aceste clipuri v-au emotionat si va simtiti atinsi de spiritul Sarbatorilor, ganditi-va putin si la cei mai napastuiti oameni de pe planeta, cei care sufera acum ingrozitor in Alep. Daca si voi sunteti ingroziti de ce se intampla in ultimele zile in Siria si v-ati saturat doar sa postati  Sad Faces pe Facebook, crezand ca nu puteti face nimic ca sa ii ajutati pe cei de acolo, ei bine, am gasit un articol foarte bun (uite AICI) pe Huffington Post, care te invata cum sa faci si unde poti dona pentru oamenii aia ce trec prin niste momente cumplite. Daca nu stiti despre ce e vorba, uitati-va la filmul ASTA si apoi sunt sigur ca o sa va doriti sa faceti ceva. Si va rog eu, faceti. Donati. Chiar acum.

#StopThe War

