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All You Need Is LOVE. And A Nice Gift.

All You Need Is LOVE. And A Nice Gift.

HellO, WOrld!


Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Ovidiu Muresanu Fog

Yes, it’s Friday, and Friday it’s always in LOVE with O. Especially this week, when we celebrate love in all his forms. Valentine’s Day it’s coming soon, and probably you are looking for the best gifts for your beloved one. Well, you know that I’m always here for you to help, and of course I will give you some ideas. The best thing is that you can find them in the same place, in Molecule-F shop.

Moogu – Antelope Necklace

The Stories of O. & Skin Deep – O. My Love T-shirt

Manokhi – Karin Leather Bodysuit

Your Personal Aroma –  Eau de Cologne for Him 

Iona Ciolacu – Doodle Sweatshirt, available in Molecule-F Concept Store, Promenada Mall, 1st Floor. Yes, is the one that I’m wearing, and the great thing is that you can write your love message for your half, with a special marker, right on the front of the doodle. That’s so cool, isn’t it?

And BTW, if you are single, you can buy yourself a Valentine’s Day present. You really deserve it.

Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget: LOVE WINS. ALWAYS.





The Project Friday is in LOVE with O. it’s realized with the special support of Molecule F, and it’s a tribute to Romanian designers


Photography: Serban Gheorghiu
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio  

Outfit: Ioana Ciolacu doodle hoodle, Calvin Klein jacket, Balmain for H&M shoes, H&M sunglasses.


HellO, World!


E vineri, din nou! Ce bine! Insa nu e o vineri ca oricare alta, pentru ca este saptamana iubirii, asa ca ne facem planuri cum sa sarbatorim Valentine’s Day. Sau nu. Dar oricum, pentru cei care vor sa pregateasca o surpriza pentru jumatatea lor, stiu ca stresul e la cote maxime. Si nu ma refer aici doar la cei care se pregatesc sa-si ceara de sotie iubita, facand planuri complicate pentru a crea momentul perfect, ci si la ceilalti, care vor doar sa cumpere un cadou frumos, ca o ofranda adusa iubirii.

Desigur, eu sunt si acum alaturi de voi, cu recomandari de cadouri. Ce credeati, ca o sa va abandonnez chiar acum? Si vestea buna este ca la gasiti pe toate intr-un singur loc, adica in shop-ul Molecule-F!

Moogu – Antelope Necklace

The Stories of O. & Skin Deep – O. My Love T-shirt

Manokhi – Karin Leather Bodysuit

Your Personal Aroma –  Eau de Cologne for Him 

Ioana Ciolacu Doodle Sweatshirt – pe care il gasiti in Molecule F Concept Store, la etajul 1 din Promenada Mall. Ce e super cool, e ca puteti sa scrieti pe el un mesaj de dragoste, cu un marker special ce vine impreuna cu bluza. Da, chiar pe parte din fata a bluzei, ce e tratata cu un material special.

Anyway, eu cred ca puteti sa va faceti si singuri aceste cadouri, daca inca nu v-ati gasit inca jumatatea. Meritati oricum asta. Insa sa nu uitati ca dragostea invinge, intotdeauna.


